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Hiya Descendants!

We back, starting off your week with another chapter.

Anyone nervous about the title?

Don't forget to let us know you were here and what you think of the story so far. We love reading your comments and reviews together.

Lots of Love,


"My dude One o' One."

He yelps as he spins to find Roy standing behind him.

"Uh hi. Wait, why- I thought-" he points over his shoulder, "room. Not in room-"

He sighs as he drops his chin to his chest.

How long had he been standing outside the door trying to figure out the best way to ask for a favor?

Roy snorts, "Detention." He rolls his eyes as he flings an arm around his shoulders, "So, sup with you?"

He takes a deep breath, "So um, I was like, kind of hoping I could get your help with something. But like, it's okay if you can't, or if you're busy. I get it."

Roy snorts, "C'mon one oh one," He shakes his head "Don't be dumb. Of course I got time." He slides his arm off of him to unlock his door before he tugs him into the room and tosses his bag to his bed. "How can I be of assistance?"

"I need a ride."

Roy turns, his pierced brow raised. "Seriously?" He asks in surprise.

"I've got money. And I can buy snacks. And I already have the directions to get there-"

Roy waves his hand before he places a finger to his lips, "You had me at I need." He rushes over to his bedside table and swipes up his keys.


"Duh." Roy snorts. "Let's go."

"But, you don't know how far away it is."

"So?" Roy shrugs.

"Or how long it will take."

"And?" Roy slides and arm through his.

"And you're saying yes before you even knew anything about it besides I need a ride."

"Uh-uh-uh. Need, my man. You said the magic word." Roy grins down at him, "You never say you need something."

"I thought please was the magic word, or one of them, actually that whole magic word thing is very misleading-"

"Most things are misleading if you think about it hard enough." Roy tugs him down the hall.

"And I do- Wait, I left the directions in my room. And snacks."

"Roogle man." Roy ruffles his hair. "We can pick up snacks on the way. I got'chu." He grins wider, before he pumps his fist, "Fuck, I love road trips."

He smiles as he pulls pristine folded bills from his pocket, "Here man, I don't know how much it'll be for gas and stuff, but I'm-"

Roy holds up his hand, "nah nah nah, this is on me."

"But It's like four hours away."

"Looks like we're gettin' rando pizza for dinner." Roy takes his hand before he starts racing down the hall. "And missin' tomorrow!" He sing-songs.

Carlos grins as he rushes to keep up.

He should have known how excited Roy would be about this instead of getting caught in a loop of horrible what ifs.

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