Rules and Secrets

30 3 17

Hey Descendants,

Sorry I missed the update on Sunday. For those of you not in America, the 4th of July is brutal for people who don't do okay with Fireworks.

Hi. I don't do well with Fireworks.

Add to that my complete lack of remembering what day it was...

I didn't really have many coherent thoughts for the 8 hours that fireworks were constantly going off.

Anyway, that's why you guys got 2 chapters today.

So then, I'll let you get to it!

We hope you enjoy.

Lots of Love,



"I'm nervous." Carlos interrupts the comfortable silence as his hands freeze over the open suitcase on the bed.


He crosses his arms over his chest as he adjusts the bag on his shoulder.

His hastily packed bag of clothes for the next four days.

"Ya know what, Pup? I think we all are." He finally admits.

"Really?" Carlos lifts an eyebrow as she looks back over his shoulder at him.

The sight makes a small smile tug at his lips.

It didn't matter that he was apprehensive about this afternoon, about the pack splitting for the first time since the Isle.

Didn't matter that he was shoving down a panic at the thought of not seeing the others for four days.

"Really." He sighs as he walks over and plops on the bed beside the suitcase, "It's gonna be okay though. You'll have Hiro and Lilo-"

"And Stitch." Carlos grins before he snaps his fingers and collects Dude's bed.

"And the blue mini monster." He chuckles, "And Evie will have Snow and Florian, Mal will have Fairy Godmother and Jane, and I'll have David and Nani. It's cool."

"Please don't add any additional cools," Carlos nervously chuckles before he grabs his list and starts double-checking his bag.

He snorts. No one outed themselves like Deez, though he had to admit, it was something they all seemed to have picked up at some point.

"It really is though." He assures Carlos as the other boy neatly folds his list before chucking it in the trash can.

"I just-" Carlos sighs as he flips the suitcase closed, "I've been working with David, and, and I don't know what I'm going to do if I have a freak out on Hiro and Lilo." His brow furrows as he struggles with the zipper.

He frowns. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks carefully as he puts an arm on the suitcase to help.

The moment he leans on it the zipper jumps forward.

"Thanks," Carlos says as he easily zips the suitcase shut, "And yeah, I kinda do. It just never seemed like a good time, ya know?"

He nods as he leans back against the headboard, "Sup?"

Carlos takes a deep breath, "I hear my- I mean, I hear her voice." He looks away, "Like in my head."

His brow furrows as he leans forward. Their pup was hearing Cruella's voice in his head? "Brah," He rests a hand on his shoulder, "You okay?"

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