In Full Swing

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Hiya Descendants,

I'm getting this out a little earlier than normal, hope no one minds. :)

Don't forget to leave us a comment at the end of the chapter, it means the world to us!

Lots of love,


She didn't exactly distrust Roy.

But she wasn't thrilled with entrusting Carlos to him either.

She puffs out her cheeks before she blows out air and bounces the end of her pencil against her sketchbook.

But this was so unlike Carlos. To leave in the middle of the day. Let alone leave in the middle of the day to drive to the other side of Auradon.

He was never this irresponsible.

So, what the fuck had happened?

She chews on her cheek as she glances at her phone again.


She sighs before she looks up to watch Evie fretting over Carlos's tuxedo, relieved that the other girl had finally finished her dress.

"All anyone has to do is say road trip and Roy's already halfway to his car." Doug rolls his eyes as he holds out the pincushion for Evie, "Honestly, this seems more like Roy's kind of timing."

Evie pouts, "Well, it certainly doesn't sound like C. Or feel like him."

"Why London?" She asks as she looks back to her phone, the head of her eraser tapping against her sketchbook faster.

She was so having a long talk with their pup after this stunt.

"Carlos wouldn't want to do something random for no reason." Doug looks between her and Evie, "I know I don't know him as well as you all do, but-" He shrugs.

"No, you're right. He doesn't do random. So he has a reason. It's just not like him to leave us in the dark like this." Evie pouts.

Doug bites his lip, "I bet you a bolt of fabric he was just asking Roy if he would be willing to drive him, and Roy took it as a 'do it right now' thing."

"That-" Evie slowly nods, "That kind of sounds right. Carlos has a hard time saying no."

"Especially when he's the one asking for the favor." She hangs her head back before she glances out the window.

"And like I said, Roy is down for any excuse to skip class. Especially one that involves road trips."

"And helping a friend," Evie adds absently. "And Carlos is his One oh One so it makes sense he would rush to oblige"


"Fine, it might not be Carlos's fault that he just up and bailed, but that doesn't explain his lack of telling us what the fuck he's doing going to London." She huffs.

Evie shoots her a nasty look, "Wonder where he would get the idea that being vague was okay."

She shivers as she looks away, "I-" She closes her mouth.

Damn it.

"It's just not like him." She finishes lamely.

Doug bites his lip as he looks between the two of them, "Have you guys just come out and asked him?"

"I don't want him lying to us on top of everything else." Evie sighs. "And if he didn't come out and tell us, then there's a reason."

"And he'll explain himself when he gets back." She nods.

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