Green vs. Purple

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Hey Descendants!

Sorry I'm a tiny bit late getting this out. I was coming out of anesthesia yesterday and it took longer than I thought it would to regain all my senses.


What do you guys think so far?

Let us know after the chapter, we look forward to hearing from you.



Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god!

She looks around frantically.

What should they do?

It's not like she could use the wand.

She turns to glance at Carlos, who was looking right back at her.

Looking as lost as she felt.


With Jay and Mal out of commission-

Like it or not, that left her 'in charge.'

And right now, she did not like it.

She had no experience with this.

Like at all.

Fabric. Make-up. Make-overs.

Those were emergencies she could handle in her sleep.

But this?

"You took the space ship here, right? Do you know how to get the Baymax?"

"Uuuh, yeah, but why- Oh!" Carlos grabs her hand before they race to the tall double doors.

"Oh no!" She cries when they all but smack into the doors. "Break a window?"

"I mean, if the doors are sealed like this, there's a good chance Maleficent did- you know what, let's just- Right." He looks around before he grabs a sword from one of the guards, "Sorry, I uh, I need this."

She sighs when the sword ricochets off the window without so much as a scratch. "Of course not." She sighs before she looks around.

There were so many people here.

Innocent citizens who had nothing to do with any of this. People who'd just come out to support Ben.

Then there were also people she cared about.

People they were never going to see again because of this.

There was no way they weren't being sent back to the Isle after this.

She blinks back tears.

"We can't get out, and even if I could call him in, I doubt he could get in through that." Carlos frowns as he hugs Dude to his chest and looks around, "What do we do?" His lower lip trembles, "I- I don't want Hiro and Lilo to get hurt. I don't want any of them to get hurt."

"I know." She nods. "Same. I don't want to lose anyone we care about." She frowns.

Carlos sighs as he sets Dude down next to the door, "Stay buddy. Stay."

Dude whines, but eventually sits before laying on the floor.

They both jump at twin roars.

"Did you know Mal could turn into a dragon?"

"Ha!" She snorts inelegantly. "Did Mal?"

"That's what I thought." Carlos bites his lip as he looks around, "So, Jay looks like he's trying to pull people out of the way."

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