Reminiscing and Recognitions

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New Week!

How's everyone doing out there?

Twisted and I are attempting to settle and bust out some new chapters in book 5, wish us luck!

Thank you again for all the support! Everyone here who leaves us comments and especially our Patrons, we love you all so much, thank you for being here and taking the time to read our story.

Are you guys ready for this? Ben finally sharing the letters?

Here we go!

Lots of Love,



"How did you get so many in one delivery?" Carlos asks as he looks up at him, eyes wide with excitement.

And hope.

He chuckles as the group looks between him and the packets of paper in their hands, copies of the letters he'd received from the Isle.

It had killed him.

Waiting this long to show them.

Sure it had only been a day since they'd come home from the hospital.

But it had been a whole day.

And yes, he was glad he'd gotten to spend the day with Mal yesterday, but-

He was so excited to see what they thought.

"Oh, well, the ships that haul the barges work for two to four weeks at a time before they return to port." He explains, "The Captains' of the ships only rotate when they get low on fuel. Actually, I was always curious how the Isle side of trash collection worked."

Jay snorts, "Hell if I know. The Goblins run that shit."

"T and Deez were probably the only ones who really worked with the Trash Goblins." Mal rolls her eyes before she plops down on Jay's bed, "Mother-" She huffs, "Fuck, knows I stayed the fuck away from that place."

Evie nods, "T, D, and Carlos always went for me."

"Well, Deez stopped a few years ago." Carlos sighs, "I think the Goblins started meeting her at the edge of the docks."

"That checks." Mal glances at the packet in her hands.

"Because of the shiny things she could make them?" He asks with a grin as he hugs the notebook in his hands close to his chest.

He couldn't wait to show Mal the picture of Irk Deez had sent. And he personally found the song adorable.

"That and the fact she wouldn't be caught dead that close to the water." Mal frowns.

He frowns as the others settle into seats and fall silent as they begin to read.

Mal's eye roll wasn't unexpected.

But it was easy to tell when they all reached the part where Deez wanted them to know she was happy for them.

Evie's tearful gasp.

Carlos's sigh of relief.

Jay's stoic nod.

Mal's scoff of disbelief.

He could only imagine the weight off their shoulders at her words, even if the words seemed too good to be true, as far as Mal was concerned.

"No shit Uma can be a force to reckon with." Mal rolls her eyes again. "Pain in the ass Shrimp."

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