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Frowns give you wrinkles, she reminds herself as she pushes the fabric through her machine.

But she couldn't help it.

She hadn't been this worried since they'd run.

Since they faced the fear.

The worry.

Could they be sent back to the Isle?

But it only made the heaviness of the situation even more cumbersome.

Made the guilt that settled in her stomach sharper.

Dizzy, Deez, T, and so many others were still there.




Her teeth sink into her lower lip.

As horrible and scary as it was, they only had two OVs to fear.

They were lucky only to have two when the Isle had all the rest.

Weren't they?

There were so many worse than her mother and Cruella.

At least when it came to the others.

Those two had always kept the abuse to their family.

To just her and Carlos.

So, it was selfish to be this scared.

She shivers.

Wasn't it?

She lifts her foot from the peddle as she turns to the Isle.

Selfish that she wanted nothing more than to have T with them when so many others needed him.


T wasn't here.

He was where he was needed.


And that was part of what had her as brave and fearless as she knew Jay was-

He knew his limits.

And she knew he'd never do something so, so-

Stupidly impulsive as attacking an OV.

Not if it meant leaving them alone and unprotected.

To save them? Sure.

After all, he'd jumped in the middle of the room to draw dragon Maleficent's attention when he feared for them.

Took a face full of green fire, trusting her spell would protect him.

But seeking them out?

Seeking Cruella and her mother?

Hunting them down?

That just wasn't his style.

Another sigh passes her lips.

It felt so selfish.

So self-centered.

Hadn't she grown out of that?

She rests her chin in her hand as her eyes trail to the bag her mother had packed for her.

She hadn't picked up the mirror in months.

There hadn't been any point.

It had been useful when they'd first arrived but, after giving up on trying to obtain the wand all, she'd tried to do with it was see past the barrier.

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