Tuck and Roll

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Heya Descendants!

We did it! Twisted and I finally did it.

We're in book 5!

Hopefully, that means we're posting twice a week again!


Until then, we really hope you're enjoying Book 4.

Let us know in the comments. Shoot us a review. Drop us a message-

Seriously, anything to let us know you're reading.

And to everyone still with us, thank you for staying on the rollercoaster as we hone our writing skills. We can not tell you how much we appreciate you.

If you haven't checked us out on Facebook yet, we're going to be uploading some really cool art pics. An awesome friend made Twisted and me these cool characters and we're just- Gaaaaah, we love what they've started!

Lots of Love,




He groans as he lands on his stomach again.

Damn. This was so much harder than the others were making it look. Even Carlos was bouncing from wall to wall with ease.

He pushes himself up with a grin as he wipes the back of his hand over his mouth.

At least he hadn't bitten anything this time.

He chuckles.

Still better than schoolwork.

"Ya gotta push off the wall man." Jay pats his back, "You're gettin' better though."

"Yeah," Lonnie grins before she flips off the top of the roof above them. "You've made some

big improvement since we started."

Carlos slides down the building with an impressive amount of dexterity for someone who always bitched about athleticism. "We done?" He asks hopefully.

"No fuckin' way," He shakes his head. "I wanna figure out how to hop between the walls first." He runs a hand through his hair. "This would be totes dope to get down well enough to shoot while doing."

Jay lifts a brow. "You shoot guns?"

"Fuck no." He snorts. "Well, I mean, I can." He back peddles as he rubs his neck, "My dad's always been super on top of my marksmanship, but bows are where it's really at. Anyone can use scopes and sights to take out their target. It takes real skill and precision to use a bow though. Plus, they're a lot quieter." He grins. "Which is dope when hunting."

"Huh." Jay frowns. "Aren't guns more like, more deadly though?"

"Oh, for sure," Lonnie nods. "You can totally shoot more rounds per second. And the ballistics are completely different. As are their ranges. With the right rifle, someone can take a shot from like a mile away."

He can't help his glare.

Lonnie smiles sheepishly as she holds up her hands. "But Roy's not wrong. It takes a lot more time, training, and skill to shoot a bow."

Carlos chuckles as he looks between the both of them. "Everything has its pros and cons."

"Exactly," Lonnie gestures towards him. "Like personally, I find swords to be where it's at. It takes more discipline and allows for actual combat, so the target knows where you're attacking from. So is more honorable than a ranged weapon, "

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