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Hey Readers,

We're back! And very sorry for our unexpected week or two absence. We had what felt like a couple hundred health issues come up out of the blue. Not that September was all bad, we had some awesome birthdays and magical trips that were great.

But that's all behind us now.

We're back, and we'll keep posting on Thursday night/Friday morning and on Sunday.

We're so close to the end of this book, and Twisted and I are getting closer every day to having book 5 finished.


Are you guys ready for this? Cause I wasn't...

There are so not tears running down my face after reading this chapter...


Lots of Love,



He casually leans against the ship as he unabashedly eavesdrops, Lilo mirroring him and looking just as guilty.

A trash barge.

The very idea makes his lip curl into a snarl.

That's how the Isle got its correspondence?

It was another layer to the shit cake that was this whole situation.

His fists clench at his sides as he bites his cheek.

He was grateful his furious outrage was burying the tears he'd be shedding without it.

Not that he hadn't cried over the situation.

He had.

Several times.

Tears of frustration.



The last time he'd felt this powerless had been after he'd lost Tadashi.

And, maybe it had been the years that passed.

Or maybe it was his vindication at finding Calhoun and bringing him to justice.

But those feelings paled in comparison to the emotions that currently beat at his chest.

It started as an ache when David and Nani discreetly and carefully explained the situation.

Not the intimate parts, obviously.

Just the overarching concern.



And so many more feelings that his brother and sister had expressed.

It was so rare that their jobs affected them on such a level, but it was-

Agonizing to hear the amount of pain they were both in.

They'd been thoroughly trained.

Were top in their field.

Yet, the whole situation had affected them in such a deeply visceral way.

He'd been so hesitant at first when they approached him about the adoption.

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