Breathing through Storms

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Hey Descendants!

So... Thursday I tore my office apart... And in the middle of getting it all set back up I forgot what day it was...


You ever just have a great idea and then it worked out completely NOT that way?


My office would be perfect if it was only six inches wider.

Anyway, back to the important stuff-

Like breathing.

You breathing?

We hope you are.

Lots of things are happening to our Core Four right now, hopefully you are enjoying the journey.

Let us know in the comments below, and don't forget to check us out on Patreon. We've got lots of fun extras for you there, not to mention we stay a week ahead on posting.

Lots of Love!



He sighs as he drops his hands to his lap after losing a screw for what had to be the hundredth time.

No matter how much he tried to focus on the phones, he just couldn't.

He'd get a couple of things in place with no problems.

Feel like maybe he was getting in a groove.

Things were going to be okay again.

But then the hair on the back of his neck would stand up.

His mouth would go dry.

His fingers would feel numb.

Then his hands would shake.

That place.

That room.

The tools.

The patterns.

The smell.

And then the light ting ting ting of a screw skipping away from him would pull him back.

Back to his room.

Sitting at the table, surrounded by his pack, sweating and shaking as if it had all happened all over again.


It was her voice.

But she wasn't here.

She couldn't get him again.

He was safe with his pack.

He was safe.


"I'm not." He whispers as his cheeks burn.

He jumps when a hand settles on his shoulder.

"Carlos," Evie breathes softly, "Come on." She drops her hand to his and tugs gently.

"Come where?" He asks even though he stands without resisting.

He wasn't sure he could handle leaving the room right now.

"To the couch with us," She tucks him into her shoulder. "Jay just got back from letting Dude out, and it looks like you could use a break."

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