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She frowns as she stares at the door.

Of her new mother's office.

She still wasn't one hundred percent sure what she thought of it.

All the others seemed so thrilled with their new parents.

She knew she should be too, but...

Fairy Godmother-


Ugh, that was going to get old real fucking fast.

She was just so... Stiff.

And had so many, many, many rules.

It felt like she was trading in an evil tyrant for a good one.

Not to say Fairy godmother was anything like her mo- Maleficent.

Mother help-


That was going to take forever to correct.

She sighs.


Why had Fairy Godmother really offered to adopt her?

Did she think she was still on the fence between evil and good?

That's where her thoughts kept directing her.

That FGM wanted to make sure she stayed on the 'good' path.

Or some shit like that.

It was just- Weird.

Not that she didn't appreciate it.

And the time they'd spent together since she'd told her she wanted to adopt her hadn't been awful.

Still, she couldn't help but feel hesitant.

Hesitant and low-key envious of the others.

Jay's new parents were laid back as fuck.


Mother help her, they were cool. Even if Hiro was a fucking twat.

And Evie was currently hero-worshipping Snow to the extent C did Hiro.

And she?

She got the rules-lawyer.

It surprised her how much she hated herself for the thought.

Hated how... ungrateful she was being.

She could only imagine how many people would be beside themselves to be adopted by the Big FGM.

But here she was...


And mother, when the others found out.

The ones who hadn't gotten a chance yet, she pinches the bridge of her nose.

When T found out.

Fuck, she was gonna kill him if he said a damn word.

"Mal?" Janice's voice behind her startles her, "Honey, I'm so sorry. How long have you been waiting for me?

She blinks, "Uh... Not long?" She turns, plastering a smile on her lips.

Janice smiles as she puts her free hand to her heart, "Oh, thank goodness." She smiles as she walks up to the door and draws her finger across it before it opens, "Come on in, make yourself comfy while I set my stuff down."

She nods as she follows her and sits in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

She stifles a groan at the thought of doing the same at Dragon Hall, Dr. Facilier prattling on about something or other in the background.

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