
28 3 18

Hey Descendants!

Up early with my niece and nephew so I decided to post while I had time. (AKA, while they're eating breakfast.)

Anyone else loving fall yet? Get any activities checked off the bucket list? I know Saturday I'll be taking my whole family to a fall festival. Excited!!

Anyway, on to the story.

Everyone doing okay?

I know we've thrown a lot of Auradon corruption at you lately, but if you hang in there for a few more chapters...

Well honestly, it won't stop, but the book will.

And then we find out what's going on with the Isle.

Who's excited about going back?

We hope you enjoy the chapter, and I'll be back on Thursday with another one.

Lots of Love!



Oh thank every god-damn arrow!

This shit was done.


It was over.


Stupid finals.

He makes a crude gesture.

Fuck them.

He loved Carlos, truly he did, but that kid was an unassuming monster.

They hadn't played CoD once.


Sure, he did, usually with Bubbles during their sessions when they weren't working on his subterfuge, which was fucking awesome, but still.

He sighs, arms behind his head as he stretches.

Two A's.

That was a new one for him.

One C.

Which, damn.

He'd been aiming for a D in that class.

One D.


And then the two Fs.

He'd probably done more math trying to calculate what he needed to fail or pass to stay a Junior for another year than he had for the stupid test.

One' oh' One was going to kill him, but...

He'd take it.

His wrath.

And his mom's, though honestly, there was a good chance he'd set the bar low enough that she'd focus on the A's.

One hundred percent worth it.

He could figure out his life later.

Right now?

Right now, he just wanted more time with the friends he'd made.

And now they were going to be in the same year!

A carefree laugh leaves him.

Bonus, it also gave him more time to stick around for his VK.

Defending the MaskUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum