Carrying Weight

37 3 11

Hey Descendants Fam!

Everyone getting ready for the weekend?

I'm getting ready for an epic D&D night... I love my Druid!!

*clears throat*

Moving on...

Last chapter was... well it was...

But there's some good news in this chapter!

And don't forget, if you find yourself hankering for more chapters, we keep Patreon ahead of the game by a week. And it might be getting bumped to two weeks here soon. Check out the different monthly tiers and join Cove Club for more fun.

But now, back to the story!

Lots of Love,



He'd done it!

He smiles down at the finalized documents on his desk.

Adoption certificates.

Amended birth certificates.

Everything Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos needed within Auradon to be official citizens.

And everything they would need should Jay and Carlos want to consider dual citizenship with their parent's countries.


It had taken so long. Too long, considering how hard he'd been pushing for this.

But finally, it was done.

And he already had staff working on Dizzy, Cici, Freddie, and Anthony's paperwork. Others working on placement options.

And even more working on the rest of the Isle of the Lost's children.

Everyone thirty and under, who they had records of.

He even had a group dedicated to locating or compiling researched records for Faustina.

For her, and anyone on the Isle who didn't have records sent to the council.

Those whose parents attempted to keep them a secret or simply didn't bother to report the births.

He owed Hiro so much.

Like so much, for keeping Leah tied up in that debate.

Sure there had been some objections, but none nearly as loud as hers would have been.

He shakes his head.

That debate.

He was still waiting for the angry backlash from Queen Leah.

Waiting for the next hurdle she would try to put up in front of him.

The fit she was going to throw when she found out what Hiro's shirt actually read.

And how many sold.

Honestly, he was mildly surprised she hadn't attempted to raise any objections once the debate was over.

Or maybe that was simply the fact he'd turned his phone off once he'd gotten the support to finish the paperwork.

He was a king in training.

In training.

He didn't regret immediately leaving the meeting to meet up with his friends.

He checks his watch with a frown.

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