The Talk

35 5 4


Sup Descendants?

So... Yeah... Yesterday was Monday.


I'd say I did it on purpose because I'm changing the day we post, but I hate lying.

Anyway, I hope you guys are pumped for this chapter, it's one of my favs. All the Jay awkwardness.

Anyway, yesterday was Twisted's anniversary with her husband- 5 years! Whoot.

Give us a shout-out at the end of the chapter! We look forward to hearing from you guys.

Lots of Love!



What the fuck was he doing?

He rubs the back of his neck as he walks with Lonnie. Stupid Mal, calling her his girlfriend.

And that comment from Evie about his hunting on the Isle-

He hadn't missed the strange look on her face.

He had no idea what it was, but it couldn't be good.


So then why the hell had he asked her to wait up for him?

Why was he at a loss for words?

What a time for him to pull a Deez.

He sighs.

Yep, this was awkward.

His eyes widen.


This wasn't T level awkward, was it?

Could he have fallen so far?

Oh, please, no.

He was a smooth talker. A take it and bounce, but leave them with wicked memories, kind of guy.

So, why was he sweating this?

He looks up before he narrows his eyes.

And why were they taking a long way to the main building?

Oh fuck, he'd been following her, had she been following him?

He swallows hard.

He nearly grimaces when he catches her looking at him curiously.

"Okay," Lonnie puts a hand on his arm, "I can't-" She stops walking, "Do you want to go to the oath ceremony with me? It's cool if you don't want to but-"

He blinks, "Uh, yeah," he turns to face her, "I do. I was gonna ask-" He rubs the back of his neck before he smiles and shakes his head, "Yeah, I'd like to go to the ceremony with you."

Her eyes sweep over his face before her eyes brighten, "Awesome."

Damn, he really liked the way she smiled.

She looked as if she'd just bested Chad in a spar, handicapped with a flimsy sword.

Like a hunter herself.

He taps his hand against the side of his head as if he could banish the image.

"I'm, ya know, sorry about what Mal and Evie said."

Lonnie shrugs, "I have an older brother. I'm used to being teased. And, as for what Evie said- Eh. The Isle's different from here. That's been obvious from the beginning. But when I realized Evie hunted too, I just- I don't know, said fuck it."

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