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Hiya Descendants Fam,

Sorry we've fallen behind on posting, life has gotten hectic this month with so many birthdays and events, not to mention the couple of illnesses we've been dealing with.

Anyway, I know I missed two posts, so getting everyone up to date today as I also work on my baby niece's 1st birthday.

I will also do my best to get the next chapter out to you as soon as I can, but this Friday is my birthday, so I don't know when I'll be next to a computer.

Lots of love!



He closes his eyes as he grips the fabric of his pants under the table while taking a deep breath.

He was surrounded by bigoted idiots.

Or as Mal had started referring to them, fucking big-idots.

He opens his eyes, grateful for the small smile at the thought.


That helped.

Thinking about her.

About her and why he was doing this.

Who he was doing it for.

Why it was worth it.

All the kids Deez had written about.

Was writing about.

Their right to live instead of survive.

Their right to not live in fear.

Their right to freedom.

Why couldn't the council see how ridiculous they were being?

How ignorant.

Were they really that afraid of kids?

Did they seriously have so little empathy for the hardships teens and children were facing on the Isle?

The terror?

"I am sorry, Prince Benjamin, but with the news of villains escaping from the Isle, the people are scared and worried. Right now is simply not the right time to talk of messing around with the barrier again." Queen Leah sighs as she sits back in her seat, "None of us here on this council are against your idea to slowly introduce more of these children to this side of the barrier. I will admit I still have concerns, but you have well stated your case. And it is clear that the children you brought over are more than capable of goodness."

It was the tone he hated most.

The pacifying pat on the head while you're being scolded.

The tone of trying to politely say 'go fuck yourself'.

His grip on his pants tightens.

"Then when would be the right time?" He asks, doing his best to keep his tone in mind.

His temper.

"There are a few things we would need to provide the public, your majesty." King Hubert explains softly.

"Such as?"

Circles, hoops, and an abundance of red tape.

That's all this was.

They were speaking in circles.

Making him jump through hoops.

Both of which bound his hands with red tape.

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