Chapter forty-two Elonar

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Btw the chapter is totally suckish but I'm hoping the next couple will improve significantly 😏

Chapter forty two

The next morning El took Lyara to meet the Lady Margaery for tea in the gardens. "Is Lady Margaery nice?" Lyara asked looking up at El her golden eyes wild and curious.

"I'm not entirely sure, my dear" El answered "I hope so" she smiled at her daughter.

El was surprised to see Evangeline standing at the gates for the gardens "lady Stark." She curtsied that wicked little smirk painted her face, as they walked El was contemplating the different ways, she might kill Evangeline if she ever had. Everyone in the seven kingdoms had heard of how beautiful Margaery Tyrell was, El was not disappointed. She was truly a very pretty girl, about eighteen years old, El thought a little younger than herself but not by much, facially she was very similar to her brothers, long curling golden brown hair, and huge golden brown eyes.

She gasped seeing El and smiled "So I finally the meet, The Queen in the North" she grinned Margaery run to El and hugged her. "Sit down, sit down" she smiled "this must be the lady Lyara, it's a pleasure to meet you, my lady" Maragery knelt down to Lyara's height and kissed both her cheeks. "So you're the mysterious northern queen that my brother is so fond of. Elonar I've heard so much about you."

"It's wonderful to finally to meet you to Margaery" El smiled sweetly.

"I knew your sister, Sansa, She was a lovely girl.. So strong, no matter how bad it all got" Margaery began.

El looked down avoiding Margaery's eyes "it's strange as a child I hated her, but now she's the one I miss the most."

There was silence, then Margaery spoke up "do you like it, here in highgarden?" She asked.

"Yes, it's so beautiful down here." El answered, she looked over to Lyara who was sitting silently kidding her little legs.

"Lyara is your eldest isn't she?" Margaery asked. "And you have two sons?"

"Yes" El smiled. She hated situations like this, the awkward ladylike small talk was draining.

"Evie- you may leave us now" Margaery said waving Evangeline away. "Thank gods she's gone, now we can speak freely." El exhaled in almost relief. "I'm assuming you know of what happened to your sister, after you left the capital?"

"They told me she ran away after king joffreys death, nothing more."

"It's truly tragic" Margaery bit her lip " what happened to your family, that is. What's why, when I'm queen, I will make sure the north is yours." Margaery smiled.

"Thank you" El's smile as sweet as Margaerys.

"Anything for family, now this little chat has been wonderful, but I must go. But Elonar I would like us to be good friends. Would you like that? Since we are sisters now, we might as well make the most out of this."

"I would like that very much" El answered.

"I will see you another time" Margaery rose, and gracefully walked away, leaving El and Lyara along in the garden.

El then went to find Garlan and Axel to see what they wanted to do, and discuss the conversation with Margaery. She found them both on the main path leading back to the castle. "My lady" Axel nodded his head seeing El. Garlan pulled her in and kissed her gently.

"How was tea?" Garlan asked as the trio carried on up the path.

"It was.. Nice.." El answered. "She wants to be friends, since we're sisters now"

"Well you don't really have any friends, who aren't your handmaids" Garlan laughed.

"I do" El snapped back reflexively. Then she realized he was right and rapidly changed the subject "Lyara had a nice time" she added.

"I'm pleased to hear that my love." Garlan smiled. "My father, wants me to go visit Brightwater keep, in the next few days, to sort out some business down there and I wanted to know if you would accompany me?" He asked.

"I suppose we could go" El answered.

"I mean, just you and I. Like without the children or anyone, just us."

"I'd like that" El smiled.

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