Chapter Twelve: Axel Umber

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Chapter Twelve:

Axel Umber

Snow fell, gentle as a mothers kiss onto Axel Umber's skin,Night had fallen before Axel had returned from hunting, in the moonlight he climbed the stair up to Elonar's chambers, he knocked before entering, Lady Stark was sitting at her dressing table while her handmaidens fiddled aimlessly with her hair. "Leave us" Elonar said softly touching one of the girls arms "Axel" she smiled

"Lady Stark" he bowed his head

"What brings you to my chambers at this late hour?" She asked, her face puzzled and exhausted, she had the same glassy glaze in her grey eyes as her brother Robb used to have.

"Has the deed been done?" Axel said, he wanted to kill that bastard Brandon, did honour mean nothing to him? "Or shall I go down tonight and do it?"

"No need Axel, Brandon Tallhart is dead" Elonar said, she rose and Axel noticed a small scarlet blood stain immuring from under the leather gurken she wore. Axel raised his eyebrows in question "I killed him" she said shortly confirming Axel's thoughts.

"But that is not job for lady, let alone a, Queen" Axel said shocked, he knew she was strong but strong enough to kill, Axel didn't think she had it in her, however mad she was with Brandon. She glazed towards to window then stared at Axel her Grey eyes soft, but strong and full of sadness.

"Oh Axel, I think we ought to give up the whole 'queen in the north', I am no queen, not even a lady, in my mannerisms anyway, I was born highborn not royal, and Robb calling himself 'king' did him more harm than good. In fact it got him killed, I like not to be killed by my own men, which is what Brandon was plotting to do. So I think I will just be Lady Stark from now on" she said sharply, she was tired and angry but she was very right. "I'm pathetic aren't I, the little girl who's playing at ruling the north. I've got no idea."

"Mi'Lady" Axel said not knowing what else to say "you are not pathetic" Axel was a young man of nearly twenty, he'd lived, he knew how things worked, Elonar however did not. "You will learn how to rule, don't you worry Elonar" Axel said "who will rode south with you?"

"This is where I have problems Axel. You are the only man I can trust, so need you here but I also need you in the south with me" Elonar said "so what do I do?" She questioned Axel Umber

"I think we watch some of the men, You can select which ones to take south with you and I stay here in the north." Axel said

"Fair enough" Elonar said "but I need you to come south with me." She urged with the Stark stubbornness.

Axel thought for a moment, "My Father, Lord Umber could be here in days at your command, he was the first of Robb's bannerman to come to his aid" Axel pointed out. "My father is as honourable as any lord. Forever loyal the house that he is sworn to, luckily for you Mi'Lady, House Umber has been loyal to the Stark for as long as there's been a North to protect."

"Send word to your father, I give him two weeks, and I will then decide if I trust him, then we ride south for Highgarden, also Axel send word to Lady Olenna in Highgarden and inform her that we will be arriving later than planned." Elonar said, Axel turned to leave "many thanks Axel, goodnight" she said, but no smiled curled upon her lips.

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