Chapter Eighteen: Elonar

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Chapter Eighteen:

* guys I'm sorry but this is yet another short, shit chapter. Sorry again one more week then I can write long, lovely beautiful gelonar filled chapters. Until then guys hung on please 💕*


Ramsey Snow, was an ugly man, with sloping shoulders, a large sloping nose and long greasy dark hair, his eyes were close set and he had a sly wormy look to him. He was sitting upright and waiting in his cell when she entered. El glared at him for a long while, afternoon sunlight gleamed in through a small window in the top left corner. "Ramsey Snow is it?" Elonar asked.

"Bolton" he corrected her, his voice was somewhere between, annoying and high pitched and his face was painted with a contemptuous grin.

"But, you are a bastard.." El begun

"My lord Father, made me his heir." Ramsey interrupted

Elonar rolled her eyes "do you or do you not, have what I want?" She questioned.

"That depends on what you want" he said "I have many a thing, a young woman like yourself may desire.."

"Mind your tongue bastard" the greatjon said harshly "you are speaking to Elonar Stark, The Queen In the North."

He smiled, bearing his horrid, brown tinted teeth, that gave Elonar the illusion that he had fangs. "A stark.. Then, Elonar I have many more things that you may desire." He stopped and smiled sickly up to El and the Greatjon. "I have your family, they are all but dead however. But I like them better that way." Spiders seems to scurry down Elonar's spine and a thousand, winter gales blow over the neck. "Although, I do have someone alive, that might interest you."

"Do you have my sister Arya?" El questioned sternly, her grey eyes as hard as stone.

"I have a young girl, who claims to be your dear sister, and the bones of your family in the dreadfort" he said smiling, in the delight of seeing Elonar's discomfort.

"Many thanks, snow" she said, her voice as harsh as ice then she turned and left sharply, once out of earshot of the cell she said "kill him" she ordered the Greatjon "then, take one hundred men to the Dreadfort, find the girl who may or may not be Arya, also if can, get my brother and parents, they deserve peace, here in Winterfell." With that she stormed up and out of the dungeons and into the snow covered yard. Once inside the great hall, she embraced the warmed of the fires, like open arms. She made her way through the maze of Winterfell and, collapsed in her new chambers, as she flung the open wide open, the room was warm, but the room was untouched as her parents had left it. It felt strange, just being in there. When she was younger, she was never allowed in her parents quarters. But now, theses were her quarters. She flopped to the floor like a rag doll, dropped by a child. She knelt on the floor for some time, El didn't quite know whether an hour or a day had past, she was just there. On the floor. Alone. In her own mind, and sometimes her own mind was the scariest place to be, she was only woken when Garlan appeared on the floor beside her.

"El, are you hungry?" Garlan asked, stretching out him hand and lightly brushing her cheek.

Elonar shook her head "I'm fine" she said, Garlan encircled her into him and held her together, so she wouldn't fall apart. She rested her head against this shoulder and gently pressed her lips to his warm skin. He ran his fingers through her hair and held her tight against him. After a while, she fell asleep and Garlan lifted her onto the bed and lay her down, she pulled soft skins up on to her, then he lay beside her and grasped her hair tightly, not letting her go.

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