Chapter five: Elonar

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Chapter five:

<< Elonar >>

"Lady Elonar" Ser Axel Umber spoke as he walked closer to Lady Elonar "what a pleasant surprise, we thought you dead." He knelt and kissed her hand.

Elonar glared at Axel Umber unsure, she looked to Brandon Tallhart at her left, his head nodded as if to say trust him. Then Elonar smiled her eyes turned kind.

"My lady," Axel said "may I explain, why I appear to be occupying your castle."

"Of course" Elonar smiled. Although she wanted nothing more than a hot bath and a bed, at that moment, and have Brandon or Patrek Mallister listen to this possibly exhaustingly long story about how Axel Umber and his men were in Winterfell.

"Come, eat with us" Axel said and lead Elonar and her party into the familiar great hall. As Elonar entered, she saw the room was full of men, easily four hundred maybe even five hundred all rose, seeing Elonar, and all held they're sword our and knelt towards her as she past them. Elonar smiled, And took her seat in her fathers great seat, with glowing white direwolves engraved into the hands. She rested her delicate fingers on the edge. Brandon seated at the right and Axel to her left. "So, my lady, my condolences to you, on the matter of the murder of your Mother and Brother." Elonar breathed out, god I wish everyone would stop talking about them, every time said something like that, it was like a knife in her stomach, and each time it hurt more, turning and turning the knife slowly. "After I had heard news of the massacre, and the death of my own brother, we made an alliance with Stannis Baratheon, and then, three weeks ago, when we heard news of you. And how there were rumours of you returning home, so me and my men arrived here to find 200 men here waiting, they were a mixture of Robb's banner men and other lower houses that had heard of your return. My lady."

Elonar nodded soaking it all in. El was still unsure of Axel Umber, there was something about its sandy blonde hair, and wide smile. Something that Elonar did not quite trust. Her eyes widened at the sight of all the food. It took everything in a Elonar not to just leap forward and stuff her self. She took slow bites of her food and tried to chew. But it was so good. Once she had her fill, "excuse me." She said to Brandon "I am going to retire to my chambers" elonar rose, before she left the hall, she raised her voice so everyone in the hall would hear what she said "Winter is Coming" silence for a moment, her father always said that. But Elonar was not her father. Then everyone echoed "winter is coming" then there were rounds of "Queen in the north" Elonar heard them even as she got to her chambers. When she arrived, there were 3 young girls standing better her. One was barely 10 at the oldest. The older two were of Elonar's age or just older.

" lady Elonar" the oldest of the three said, her voice was rough and husky. A whore most likely. Axel said he'd arranged serving girls, it looks like he got the three best looking women in the castle. Whores or not, the girls were more help than she'd had in at least a year. Elonar smiled at the girls "sir Brandon sent us to serve you" another said

"I am I will gravely appreciate your help" Elonar said "what are your names?"

"I'm Rausa" the whore with the husky voice said

"It's a pleasure to meet you Rausa" Elonar smiled and kissed Rausa's hand.

Then El moved to the other older girl, "Mi'Lady I'm Grayce" El kissed her hand also.

Last, El knelt in front of the little girl "my names Elonar" El said holding out her hand to the child, for her to take.

The child took it "I'm Lysette. My mother used to call me Lyssy." She said her voice shaking just as her body was.

"well Lyssy, I can promise you, your safety every minute you are in my service. That goes for all of you. I swear, I will do all I can to protect you." Elonar Stark said squeezing Lysette hand.

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