Chapter Sixteen: Elonar

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Chapter sixteen

Guys I was rereading my story and then I rewrote a few chapters so here's the first one I rewrote, I hope you enjoy it 🌸


In the first few weeks of their marriage, neither Elonar nor Garlan made any effort to get to know each other, it was only after a day of hunting that, Elonar found herself doing something she thought she'd never do again, she knelt down on the floor and prayed to the old gods, they had kept her safe before she threw them away when she rode south and embraced the new gods. After that, berthing had gone bad, maybe they would accept her and keep her and the prospect of her missing siblings safety.

"Do you pray to the old gods?" Garlan asked,leaning against the door to her bed chamber , Elonar nodded slightly, unsure of what might come next. "Did you know, we have a Weirwood in the old orchard?"

Elonars eyes lit up, "could you take me there?" She asked and the words were as excited as a child as they leaped from her tongue "tomorrow?" She asked

"Now if you so wish Mi'Lady" Garlan said rising, El rose and followed him down to the old orchard, into the moonlight that engulfed them, the stars glistened into a shimmering down onto their eyes. Garlan watched her as She knelt before the old weirwood and closed her eyes. Elonar breathed in the soft sweet aroma of the old orchard and the fresh fragrance of the newly bloomed blossoms that hang on the trees like rings in fine ladies delicate fingers.

"Thank you" she whispered, although no one was around to hear her.

"Shall I leave, my lady Elonar?" Garlan Tyrell asked kindly.

Elonar was have inclined to say yes, but something made her say no. "The old gods have been worshipped by my family since the first Starks of the first men." She said facing Garlan "although, I'm not entirely sure if these 'old gods' even exist,because they gave my family no mercy or their kindness."

Garlan Tyrell nodded "I believe in nothing" he said frankly "I believe in men and their power to do greatness in the world. Not the petty interpretation of men, reflected in the gods. I believe we are all that there is. And therefore Elonar, we make the most of the short lives that we have here in this world"

El was speechless. She honestly could say nothing, the terrifying man that had loomed over her only hours before, had turned from kind, to wise. Garlan was all she could have hoped for in her husband. "That is.. Truly.. Wise" she said struggling for the right words. She contemplated his words carefully, I believe in men an their power to do greatness in the world.. But somehow, El liked to believe they were there, watching over her. Protecting her. Loving her. But something inside her tyres to persuade her otherwise. She rose slowly and turned to face Garlan, she stood in ore of him, he was easily two feet taller, and his golden eyes seemed unnaturally golden and seemed to glow like ardent fireflies in the midnight hour in which the couple stood in the orchard. The great Weirwood, with it's red leaves and white bark loomed above Elonar and Garlan, guarding them from all harm. El looked down and half smiled at the floor, when she looked up, she was greeted by Garlan's warm lips locked around hers, the kiss deepened and he held took her face gently into his hands.

They remain locked together like that for some time, soon Garlan began to kiss her neck lightly, tingling her skin and his touch sent warm shivers all over her body, he pushed her curls back from her face, and lifted her chin to look at him, before beginning to kiss her again "Do you want to go back to bed, my lady?" Garlan asked after sometime, he gently brushed a loose strand of her dark hair back behind her ear, his fingers lingered shortly on her silk like porcelain skin.

Elonar nodded her head, meekly. They returned to their bed chamber in silence walking in step together. Once they were back, and in the candle lit bed chamber, she took his hand and held it in her own, impulsively Garlan Tyrell reached for her waist with his free arm, and pulled her close to him so there were but inches between them. She looked up and saw him looking down "I rather enjoy your company, lady Elonar" he said Looking down upon her, staring into her grey eyes.

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