Chapter fifty eight, part one - Elonar

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Chapter fifty eight

The wedding part one- Elonar

The ceremony was quick, and over in a matter of minutes. Ramsey had swept Sansa into his arms and kissed her roughly, although she remained stiffly silent, and her expression was a solid Steel mask. Elonar sat, gracefully; legs crossed, delicate fingers placed over each other, she carefully observed Ramsey. He was an odd looking man, though not entirely ugly, these was a strange sort of handsomeness about his sharp sloping features, and bright, yet almost dangerous eyes.

Once inside the great hall, El graciously greeted all the minor lords, and other familiar northerners, who all took her hands in theirs and who all knew what was to come and all gave the Boltons, warning glances, who all kept their swords close at their belts. Among them, Lyanna and Maege Mormont, who El greatly warmly, "I'm so glad you came" she said after hugging both.

"We wouldn't have missed it for the world" Maege smiled, her greying curls tucking behind her ears.

"Of course not" El smiled.

After speaking to everyone, she took her seat on the high table, next to her sister, who's expression was still icy and vague. Around the hall, men were seemingly getting drunk and all simply enjoying the evening. Garlan sat down next to El, and placed his wife's hand to his lips, and pulled her closer to whisper in her ear, "alysane, wants to see you on the battlements" Garlan said, kissing her neck briefly.

"Now?" She asked quietly.

Garlan nodded, "take Lyara and Rickard to bed then, it's getting awfully late isn't it?" He smiled.

El nodded and then took her children, Axel followed, but surprisingly Garlan didn't stop him. "Are you tired my dear?" El asked Rickard, as she put him down in his bed.

"not really mumma" he said sleepily.

"But my dear, your voice tells me differently." El smiled, "now you two have to be very good for Grayce and I'll come and get you later, okay?" She said kissing both her children goodnight. Before leaving, El took Grayce aside, and reached under the fireplace, for a dagger she'd keep there a while ago, simply for protection. "Take this, put it under your skirts, and only use it if you have to" she said handing the dagger over to Grayce, although Grayce still looking slightly bewildered that El kept knives in her children's nursery, but all the same Grayce accepted it, and concealed it under her skirts.

"You keep knives, in your children's nursery?" He smiled in the lantern light.

"Better to be safe, than sorry" she half laughed.

Axel could help laughing to, "Where else do you keep knives?"

"Oh, you don't want to know" El laughed as they half run up the stairs to the battlements.

They found Alysane Mormont, standing under the full moon, facing the northern battlements, watching the hills as a sea of light rode through the darkness, "there they are" El smiled, standing beside Alysane, snow blow in hard gusts of icy wind.

"Great weather for it" Alysane smiled, "I almost thought they weren't going to show up, but then I saw the lights, I send Lord Manderly out to meet them, so they know to wait for our signal"

"Fantastic, let's do this" she smiled, wickedly, "I almost feel bad, ruining my sisters wedding day like this" she said as, they hurried to collect weapons.

Axel laughed, picking up various knives and attaching them to his belt, Alysane Mormont, took a long bow and a quiver of arrows. Then they made there way to the great hall, with some of the men they'd brought from the battlements. "El.." Axel soda pulling her aside swiftly, before she could stop him, his lips were on hers, and he pulled away as swiftly as he'd grabbed her, "I couldn't do this without kissing you one last time, in case.. Anything happens.." He said looking at his shoes.

As taken a back as Elonar was, she impulsively pulled Axel back to her, and kissed him hard, "there" she said and strode away, "let's do this" just before they went down the last set of stairs, the doors opened, and Ramsey and Sansa emerged, with Theon Greyjoy trailing behind, in that quire, shifty manner, in which he now behaved. El, Axel and Alysane, quickly dashed down a nearby corridor, and let them pass. El gave them a good few minutes head start before she quickly followed them, which Axel's questions echoing down the corridor.

Once outside Ramsey's chamber door, Axel heard El's reasoning for following. Sansa's desperate cries, echoed through the stone. El nodded and Axel have the door, one hard very deliberate kick, knocking it open. El was only a few moments too late. Theon Greyjoy, stood just by the door, helplessly staring and Ramsey and Sansa. Ramsey stood behind Sansa, who had been stripped and was pressed facedown against the skins.

Ramsey almost had enough time to speak before Alysane's arrow hit him in the chest, and he fell onto Sansa, who whimpered. "Oh dear god" El swore under her breath before rushing over to her sister, she shoved Ramsey's body off Sansa, ams helped her sister up, "get some clothes on, and go along to my children's room, you'll be safe there" El said, bending down retrieving Sansa's ripped gown.

Sansa accepted it and smiled weakly, "what's going on?" She asked, pulling the dress around herself.

"You'll see, now go along to Lyara and Rickards room, I'll come back later." She turned to leave but stopped remembering Theon, "oh and take him with you" she nodded at Theon.

"That was bloody brilliant" El smiled at Alysane, "I had wanted to do it, but you did it so well, I don't think I could have done it better myself" El said as they rushed down the steps to the great hall, "let's do this" El smiled, before pushing the doors to the great hall wide open.

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