Chapter Thirty- four Elonar

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Chapter Thirty-four


It was mod afternoon when, Elonar walked, confidently as she could, through the sea of red and gold tents, head held high, looking each man she past in the eye, freezing then with her icy grey stare, her wolf walking beside her, Sephy was as high as her waist, and Elonar was a moderately tall woman, with long, dark, cascading curls that was braided down her spine, she was a girl of two and twenty, and as beautiful as she was when she was sixteen, she wore dark blue, trimmed with silver, the midnight sort of blue, the colour that best highlighted her eyes, Directly behind her was Axel Umber and directly in front of her the beginning of the green and gold tents.

"Mi'Lady Stark" the guards man, wearing Tyrell armour said "this way" he lead her inside the green and gold tent. Inside, at a table facing El, sat Lord Mace Tyrell and Ser Willas Tyrell and another young man, who Elonar assumed to be Ser Loras, who looked so much like Garlan, El nearly stopped dead, he had the same strangely golden eyes and the same face, although Garlan would have been a fair bit taller and broader of shoulder.

"Lady Stark" Lord Mace said, crossing the room to meet Elonar, he kissed her hand ams bowed his head, his face blank and emotionless.

"Lord Tyrell" she curtsied elegantly, and tried to half smiled, he returned to his seat, "Ser Willas, Ser Loras" she bowed her head to Garlan's brothers, Lord Mace's face was blank, but Willas' eyes alive with questions and Loras' with confusion. Elonar sat down neatly and placed her hands on her stomach.

"Mi'Lady Stark, I'm assuming you know why we're here this afternoon" Lord Mace, said sipping his wine, staring into El.

Elonar Stark shook her head a little "no, my lord Tyrell" she looked up at Mace.

He smiled a little, "our houses, were bound by law, providing you accept the Lannisters as the rulers in the south, you could have the entire north, all to yourself and none of this would have come around. We gave you our men, but you Betrayed us Lady Elonar, you ran off up here to the north, and to Stannis Baratheon, and pledged your alliance to him, and now here we are.." Mace said coolly. "your loosing a war you started, what have you gained?" Elonar gnawed at the inner of her lip, trying not to show even to slightest sign of weakness of pain. "there are many people among us who believe you are to blame for my sons death, if you hadn't broken our alliance, he'd still be here, with you in your snow filled castle, and we wouldn't be risking our lives fighting you" elonar glared at lord Mace, narrowing her grey eyes.

"Mi'Lady we do not truly blame you for his death, how could you possibly be to blame fully?" Ser Willas said not looking at El.

"Tell me one thing, how Exactly did my son die?" Mace said.

She balled up a piece of her dress in her left hand, and exhaled sharply "Garlan" she paused, her hands shook violently "died, on the first day of battle, a Lannister man they think, he fought bravely, he was cut down and then the Lannister horsemen took him, or so they tell me." She inhaled "he loved me and I loved him and I know he did not regret me not in the slightest, or the choices me made together." The tears were right in her throat now, but she took a sip of wine and El swallowedthem back. "After all, he was the one who brought Stannis Baratheon right to me, giving me no choice but to ally with him, he wrote to the Lady margaery, explaining what we were forced to do, but our peace terms were send back and a proposal was stuffed in our faces, from the lannisters." She said angrily, that silenced him, she thought, "I never intended to break our alliance"

"Then, Mi'Lady, that saves me a lot of time this afternoon" Lord Mace said smiling.

"Whatever do you mean?" She was take a back.

"What We mean is, We brought you here to discuss a new alliance." Loras Tyrell said, gods he even sounded like Garlan.

"An alliance that includes, us, you and Stannis Baratheon." Willas added.

El smiled a little, looking down at her still shaking hands, gods.

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