Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Elonar knew she had to leave Highgarden, the Tyrells now knew she'd murder a seemingly innocent handmaid, and a handmaid of Margaery Tyrell at that. She needed to go home. But she wasn't prepared to leave Garlan, or her children and run home.

But now following the death of Tywin Lannister, all of the Tyrells were called to Kingslanding for the funeral. However Lord Mace, was insisting that Garlan stayed in Highgarden, to look after the castle and that sort. It gave El the perfect opportunity to leave Highgarden, but not without Lyara or Rickard. El and even begun to pack her things, in case the opportunity to leave arose.

Axel had suggested almost stealing the children away in the night and riding North, but El discouraged that, as she didn't want to take them away from Garlan, nor did she really want to leave him, if she thought about it hard enough. He had been such a huge part of her life and she wasn't quite ready to leave him behind.

It just wasn't working, El and Axel. She felt as though shed ruined their friendship, through these past few days, and in all honestly been with Axel gave her no relent from the guilt and pain she still felt forwards Garlan, she had hurt him and it killed her knowing that. Seeing him in the doorway, while she climbed out of Axel's bed, that was the worst thing she'd ever done. An del knew he had to make things right.

El went to visit her children before bed one night, as she always did. Only did she find that their room was empty, she then concluded Garlan must have them so she made her way to Garlan's chamber, she had to face him at some point. But she was terrified that when she did, she'd have to explain it all to him, and he'd forgive her.. And God damn it, she didn't even want to think about it.

She pushed the door open a little, and her heart sank when she saw Garlan sitting on the floor reading to them. Lyara looked up and cried out, then rushed to her mother. El took her daughter in her arms and her eyes met Garlan's and she quickly turned her attention back to Lyara and Rickard. "Let's take you to into Grayce and she'll finish your story" Garlan said, sensing why El was here. He picked Rickard up and took him and Lyara into the bedroom with Grayce.

"We're going home tomorrow" El said coolly, fiddling with The end of her braid.

"We?" Garlan asked, shutting the book and standing.

"The children, Axel and I." El said, finally looking at Garlan.

"So you and Axel then?" Garlan said, taking a breath.

El nodded and blushed red in embarrassment, "look, I-"

"Oh god El save it. I don't want to hear, I don't need to hear it"

"You don't even know what I'm going to say"

"But I think I can have a pretty good guess."

"Go on then Garlan, guess what I was going to tell you." El said glaring at him with such intensity it burned the room.

"For god sake your my wife, you can't do this, not to me" Garlan said "you chat just leave me for someone else, especially for Axel for gods sake" stepping closer to her. "You can't do this to me, it's not right" he hissed.

"It's not working Garlan how can you not see that?" She said sternly.

"Fuck El, don't you see what your doing to me"

"no, no I don't" she lied, she wanted to tell him she wanted him back, but the words just wouldn't come out, she wanted him to fight for her, fight for what was his.

"Your breaking me El" he said turning away from her, "after all we're been through, you can just fall out of love for me, and I just don't get it El" his voice broke, and he turned to face her sharply, his eyes a new glistening shade of gold. His eyes alone were enough to break her. "I killed men to be here for you, don't you see that"

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