Chapter Twenty-nine Garlan

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

A/N this chapter is kinda short, I'm sorry 😁. This will be the second or third last chapter of QitN, because I'm starting year 11 soon and my family is making me focus and study more, but I also think the ending is really good place to leave the story and I really hope you'll like it and not drown in your own tears. But I will be finishing it and posting it really soon guys 😘 ily soph ❤️

Garlan Tyrell

"So, who are the Tyrells actually siding with?" Axel asked at breakfast one crisp morning.

"I'm not entirely sure"'El said, only picking at her food. She called Ser Francas over to their table. "Ser Francas" she said holding her hand out for him to kiss. "I have a task for you"

"Anything my lady" Ser Francas said kissing her hand.

"You are to go south and find out who's side the Tyrells are actually on" El commanded. Ser Francas bowed and left. "We leave for Castle Cerwyn on the morrow, I am to make myself ready, I suggest you all do the same" she said leaving the hall.

The next morning came fast, cold and crisp, but with a hint of spring lingering in the air. Elonar took her children in her arms one at a time, Little Rickard who was only three, then Lyara who was five. "Lyara, you have to swear to me that you'll look after your brother while, me and father go away for a while." El said kneeling to her daughters height.

"Yes muma" Lyara nodded, but tears glazed her grey eyes.

El pushed her light brown curls behind each year, "remember, while I'm gone, it make you lady of Winterfell, although you must still do what Axel and the Septa's say, you are a stark and this is your castle, so you must protect it" El hugged Lyara pressing her tiny body against her own.

"I love you muma" Lyara said.

" I love you much more my sweet, but no more tears, ladies don't cry." She wiped lyaras tears away. Garlan leaned in the door frame, El saw him then jerked her head so Lyara would see.

She ran to her Father and he lifted her up and spun her around "my sweet" he whispered kissing her hair.

"father why must you leave?" She asked

"Your mother and I have to keep you safe no matter what, and Keeping you safe right now means fighting for you."

"You promise you'll come home daddy?" She asked, the tears glazing her eyes.

"I promise my sweet" he closed his eyes, regretting the promise, he couldn't promise his safe return, and holding Lyara closer. He kissed her cheek and placed her down gently. He went to Rickard then and held his son against his. "Rick, you must look after your big sister while we're away" Rickard cried when Garlan let go.

"I'll miss them, I think" Garlan said as they rode out the gate of Winterfell.

"I know I will" El smiled a little looking down at her reins. Then she kicked her horse and bolted south, fearlessly.

Garlan waited a moment to ride beside Axel umber. "She has no idea, how much she looks like Robb, right now." Axel almost laughed, but a chill ran through his voice. "Stark Fearlessly riding into battle, direwolf at her horses heels and a Lannister army that wants her dead." Axel smiled now "but she's a lot smarter than he ever was." Then Axel kicked his horse and followed her and Garlan followed him.

"But she'd stupid if she wants to fight" Axel said after serval hours of silence.

Garlan just laughed "El can, and she will, And nothing anyone could say could stop her, once her mind is set, she has to follow through."

That evening in the tent, El was lent over the table, moving the tiny wolfs heads that symbolise her forces and the lions that represent the lannisters. "We will meet them at moat cailin, I think, fight them openly in the field." El said. Garlan stood at the mouth of the tent, just watching and listening to her as she commanded the northern lords "it all depends on who the Tyrells side with, if they choose us, they can attack the Lannisters from behind and we can attack them from the front."

Elonar Stark, Queen in the North, he saw her as that woman now for the first time. He saw the power she had over the other lords and how they'd listen when she spoke. She push strands of hair behind her ear with her thumb and forefinger, so effortlessly as she spoke. She had one of those, crystal clear voices that everyone understood, that everyone obeyed, but didn't fear. Garlan was so absorbed in her, that he didn't notice that everyone else had left. He blinked to find the tent empty and El still leaning over the map. Garlan went to her and wrapped his arms round her waist. "Who do you think your family will side with?" She asked pressed her hands over Garlan's.

"They're opportunists, so I can't be sure" he said, closing his eyes and pressing his lips against her neck, moving the hair to one side. "They'll choose who ever will win"

"And who will win?" She said, turning her head and releasing a slow breath.

Garlan sighed and tightened his grip on El's waist "I don't know" he exhaled gently onto her neck.

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