Chapter Thirteen: Garlan Tyrell

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Chapter Thirteen:

Garlan Tyrell

The young Tyrell lord paced the perimeter of his chambers contemplating his new bride to be, they say she's beautiful, he thought, they also say she's as wild as a wolf. This somewhat excited Garlan. He liked girls nearly as much as he liked a good fight, he was intelligent as well as highly skilled with his sword. Garlan was a handsome young man, he was tall and broad shouldered, with golden brown curls and dazzling golden emerald eyes, twenty on his next name day. He was know as Garlan the gallant, second son of house Tyrell.

"Ser Francas, what have you heard of the Lady Elonar Stark?" He asked turning to face his companion, With the warm night air from the opened window running through his hair.

"Other than, she's as wild as a she wolf, vengeful, and beautiful, not a lot" Ser Francas said. That was all anyone south of Winterfell knew of Elonar Stark, the mysterious dark lady of the north. "They call her the Queen in the north" he said stroking the tip of his dark beard. "She ran away from kingslanding shortly before Lorras and your dear sister Margaery arrived there"

"I want to know what I'm getting myself into, before I marry her" Garlan said running his fingers through his brown curls. "When did they say she would be arriving?"

"In the next fortnight I believe your Grandmother told us" Ser Francas Ambrose had grown up with Garlan and his brothers and knew Garlan like a brother.

"I wonder Francas, is marrying into the Starks, the safest thing to do?" Garlan questioned smiling, he was a reckless and at time rash young man, with a swift tempeh. "Or am I going to get myself killed"

"Well.." Laughed Francas "it wouldn't be the first time you've done anything like that"

The next fortnight passed in an instant, Garlan was reading in the rose garden when a servant came for him "the lady Stark has arrived" he said, Garlan rushed to his feet and hastily made his way for he great hall, he half ran half walked, through the maze of Highgatden he knew so well. When he arrived him court his Grandmother and older brother Willas were seated in high white thrones gilded with golden roses. "Grandmother, Brother" he said bowing before he took his seat between them both. They weren't waiting five minutes before the sergeant accounted her entrance the golden doors swung open slowly and she strode in, as valiant as a she wolf leading a pack she thundered into the great hall, with easily one hundred men behind her. She wore a dress of red stitched with gold, he hair was pulled back at the sides framing her face perfectly. She was so beautiful, Garlan thought, Stunningly fearless.

"Lady Elonar Stark" Lady Olenna said, rising from her seat and kissed Lady Starks hand.

"Lady Tyrell" Elonar bowed her head "lord Willas, Ser Garlan" she curtsied graciously "I thank you, for your invitation the wed your grandson" she kneeled

"Lady Stark, rise" Garlan said and rose from his high throne, and helped her up lifting her gently by the hand, she raised her eyes too and grey eyes bore into his golden green ones, past her beauty, there was something, dangerous, viscous and ferocious.
"My names Garlan" he said releasing her, he smirked slightly.

"We will meet again tonight, Lady Stark" Olenna Tyrell said "tonight at the feast" Elonar, bowed graciously and backed down the stairs, then she thundered again, in a storm of brown curls and the red of her gown.

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