Chapter Twenty- Six Elonar Stark

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Chapter twenty- six

I want to thank you lot for reading my story, ily all 😊

And thank you for 16k reads woah 😱

Elonar Stark

The fire roared in Elonars bed chamber and El climbed out of the bath and her handmaids were dried her off then the rubbed creams all over her body, Rausa's hand smoothed over her stomach then stopped suddenly "Rausa, what is it?" El said anxiously

"Feel" Rausa said smiling, Rausa took El's hand and moved it over the slight bulge of her stomach. "Mi'Lady, I think you are with child again" El's eyes lit up and face shone like stars. "But Mi'Lady it's to early to know" She nodded

For two weeks, Garlan had not noticed it but one morning El was dressing and she got Garlan to help to her dress up and it was tight on her so tight, she wished he'd pull the strings away and let it fall. His arms went around her waist and his hand rested on her stomach, she placed her hand on top and moved both of their hands over her stomach.

He released her and gave her a sceptical glance.

"I think I'm with child again" she smiled

His eyes glittered and he kissed her, His hand kept rubbing the bulge of her stomach as if it would disappear if he let her go. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, he pressed her up against the wall and pushed her hair back from her face, El held his face and she opened her eyes and just smiled and smiled. Elonar Stark, the broken desperate girl she'd been, only a year before , had grown into a strong happy queen with the love of her life beside her. It was moments like this, where Garlan was all there was in the world, she forget how unprepared for the winter she was, El forget her broken vows to the Tyrells and the Lannister army that will kill her after the winter. Then these realisations are thrust onto El's shoulders hard and she pulled away from Garlan's lips. She sighed and tipped her head back against the stone wall still holding Garlan's neck.

"What is it my sweet?" He put her down gently and stroked her hair.

El breathed in "what are we going to do?"

"About?" Garlan asked

"Winter" El answered " without wood to make fires with we will freeze, and what will we eat? Suppose the winter lasts ten years?"

"The winter has never been that long El, it will be seven at the most" Garlan reassured her.

She smiled, and crossed the room to get a goblet of wine "how is the winter in highgarden?" She laughed

"Quite cold actually" Garlan said sitting down in the armchair by the fire.

"Did the roses not grow? A light frost?" El said smiling "you know nothing of the cold until you've seen a northern winter, when I was small i remember snow nearly as high as the very walls of Winterfell. I remember being so cold, I could barely move, but I also remember having food. So there must be a way not to starve over the winter. I'm sure there was a book, but Theon Greyjoy burned the library tower down." She sipped her wine and looked to Garlan for a response. When he just looked at her and said nothing she continued "even if we cut down to whole of the Wolfswood, that wouldn't last us the winter" she paced along the fire place angrily.

Garlan pulled her arm and held her tight, "El, we'll work it out, we always do, don't worry"

"Always to optimistic Garlan" she smiled and he pulled her down onto his lap and she buried her face in his neck and curled her legs up around him. "But I fear, this time we may not work it out."

"Then let's do our best to keep ourselves alive this winter." Garlan said "maybe if the umber and Mormont men and the either high lords went home! because surely they have families and people to protect,if they left then we'd have less people to worry about"

"That's brilliant, my love" she drew away from his shoulder to look at him, El took his face in her hands and kissed him.

Axel Umber was the only man who had a problem with splitting up and all going home "we are strong together, but apart, we will die." Axel yelled over the arguments that rumbled the great hall.

"Silence" El screamed, Axel had a point, but El's mind was made up, the hall fell silent "my decision has been made, we are going to be better off, we cannot simply feed other 10 thousand, that are currently at Winterfell at the moment. But we will have to be prepared for when the spring comes, because spring comes sooner in the south, and the Lannisters will be ready before us, so we have to prepare during the winter. And we have better chances of that if we all don't starve or freeze to death locked up here." El had managed to convince most people, but Axel wasn't leaving. They were to keep 400 hundred men at Winterfell the rest would return to there own houses.

El was still worried, she'd had them cut down more than half the wolfs wood and stacked the wood high, and they had cattle and vegetables. But what if it wasn't enough? She was big with child when the last of the Mormont forces left, leaving just El, Garlan, Axel and only the five thousands of the Tyrell swords Garlan had brought. They were loyal to Garlan, not his family. Among them, Garlan's oldest friend Ser Francas, who'd come north when Garlan had. She was a lot more hopeful about the winter, although the anxiety stills Clung to her.

"what shall we call it?" Garlan said, as they rode slowly through what remained of the Wolfwood, with Axel and Ser Francas.

El shrugged blankly, "I don't know" she looked forward, for a second she thought she saw a blue flash of wolfs eyes, throw the snow. She blinked, and the eyes remained behind the trees. "Holt!" She said and dismounted. Lifting her skirts as she went, and made her made way to where she'd seen the blue eyes.

"El what Is it?" Garlan asked

Elonar dissapeared behind a tree, for a money she saw nothing, but the white direwolf was so well blended against the snow covered trees, El barley saw the wolf. "Sephy" El whispered and the wolf bounded to her and her knelt down in the snow and gripped the wolfs fur and held her close to El's body. Just after El found Brandon Tallhart and his men, Sephy had run away and El hadn't seen her since.

"What the?" Garlan said abruptly, stepping back seeing the wolf.

Axel laughed "I never actually seen a real direwolf before."

"I thought I lost her" El said standing and the wolf padded beside her back to her horse. "When I was younger, my father found them and have them to us, I was 9 maybe 10 when I got her, I can't even remember why I named her Sephy, Sansa hated the name, that's why I kept it, I think, because it annoyed Sansa." El smiled at the memories or running around Winterfell as a child with her siblings, with the wolves trailing behind each of the stark children.

Sephy then followed El everywhere, as she used to, she even slept at the foot of her bed, to Garlan's dismay. "That thing.." He said one night "is really creepy"

"Sephy, isn't creepy." El snapped.

"That, is a matter of opinion my dear." He sighed and wrapped his arms around El waist and rested his hands on her stomach.

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