Chapter sixty one, Garlan

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Chapter sixty one
Firstly, I'm sorry for not updating as regularly as normal! I'm away on holiday in Australia and I don't have wifi tbh so I'm sorry for infrequent updates like normal but after next week I should have some more reliable wifi 😂 anyway enjoy this kinda long chapter.

Soph x


Honestly, Garlan was extremely nervous about El fighting. He knew she could hold her own with a sword, but whether she could hold Winterfell in battle when they were outnumbered 2:1 was different. He wanted to keep her safe, but he was stupid if he thought any man could conceive Elonar Stark to do anything that she didn't already what to do.

Surprising there were a lot more of the Karstarks than Garlan thought there'd be. Stannis said that most of his men deserted to join them, but Garlan didn't quite know how many that was, by the looks of it, the Karstarks had around 10,000 or so it looked from the hill where he, and his men wished for Stannis' signal.

When the signal, of the beacon on the battlements of Winterfell was finally lit, Garlan kneed his horse gently down onto the frozen ground. It was freezing, and snow was still falling, that was the main reason Garlan was so eager to start the fighting, that and he hadn't had a good fight in easily years. His bloody was boiling by the time he killed his first man of the morning.

Northerners fought northerners in the snow, fighting over nothing really. Garlan thought over why he was actually fighting, in the freezing cold as he ploughed his way through the front lines of the Karstark troops.

Later in the day after the battle had mostly seized except for a few pockets of small hand to hand pockets. Garlan, who was fortunately still mounted on the Sam shores he had ride out on. "You seen El?" Garlan called out to Alysane Mormont who was pulling her arrows out of dead me. Alysane nodded to the left, where there was a small group of about five men, and El fighting. Garlan quickly turned his horse and ride toward El's. He swiped his long sword down sharply, colliding through two or the men facing Elonar, giving her a chance to knock two more down through Garlan's distraction, only leaving one man left for El to fight.

The last man standing was considerably taller than El, but also a great deal fatter. So Elonar had the advantage of her agility over this rather large stout man, while El was effectively dancing with the man, darting from side to side, dodging all his attempts to stab her, this gave Garlan an opportunity to dismount and take hold of El's opposition, by his grossly grease filled hair, and quickly slit his throat.

"I really didn't need saving" El said wiping her blade on her thigh.

"So you had everything under control then?" Garlan smirked cleaning his own blade and sheaving it.

"Obviously" El said taking a step closer to Garlan, she pressed a blood Covered hand to his breast plate, "honestly, Garlan I don't need saving."

"positive?" He questioned, before carefully pressing his lips to hers, however he kept his eyes open, cautiously watching the hostile looking men approaching in front of him. He raised his eyebrows as if to encourage the men to come forth and fight him, and in a blink of an eye Garlan pushed El off him and lunged into the pack of men approaching, El sensibly stood with her back to Garlan protecting his back. Soon they were surrounded Karstark and Bolton men, among them was Harrion Karstark who faced El. "Stick close to my back." Garlan hissed, grabbing El's wrist, before turning his back to El, pressing his back to her and drawing his sword. Together, El and Garlan managed to fight off the Karstark men back to back.

El was knocked to the floor by a man in Bolton colours, he sat over her playing with his blade, tickling it along her face, before the man could make his move on El, his body thudded down hard onto her chest, leaving her breathless for a moment. Then the body fell off her and Garlan stood over her, dagger in hand and left hand out stretched, "still don't need saving?" Garlan asked pulling Elonar up from the mud. She shook her head, and anxiously placed her hand to her stomach, "you okay?" Garlan asked taking her hand.

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