Chapter sixty five

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Chapter sixty five

This chapters a bit long and a bit crap oops 😂

El had never collected her own rents before, when her father ruled the tenants always came to Winterfell to give Lord Eddard the rents in person. But El was not her father and she had to learn to do things her way. She left Axel and Sansa behind in Winterfell, but brought both her children and Garlan with her, as she thought it was important that Lyara especially learned early how to be a Lady and a good one at that.

They would be away for at least the next two months and would be covering the entire of the North, visiting every major village, collecting their rent from each family. That seemed to Garlan totally stupid, riding around in the snow for hours everyday with the children, but El thought it was important to be seen by the people, to show the smallfolk and smaller lords that she needed their support so that she could ensure them a better North.

They'd been on the road for just over two weeks and the villages had been mostly the same. But this on was much smaller, with less that 50 people living there. The accommodation was difficult as they had a party of over 50 themselves, so El and Garlan were in a hut with Lyara and Rickard and the guards that were presently outside.

El was sitting on a stool bent of a stack of papers reading through who owe her what. Garlan just watched her and the fire light danced across her cheeks. "So when do we get to fuck in the woods like you promised?" Garlan smirked after he was confident Lyara and Rickard were asleep.

El raised her eyebrows not looking up from her letters, "I promised no such filth Garlan Tyrell, I have no idea what you are talking about. I think possibly you might be mistaken" she said as she was ticking off the names of the tenants that had already paid her.

"I distinctly remember you promising me that.." He said removing his shirt, and he walked slowly behind her and gently placing his fingers on her shoulders and rubbed them hard enough to distract her from the letters and pay attention to him. His fingers pressed harder still, but it was a good kinda of pressure the type of pressing pleasure that made a moan slip her lips, "hhmm" he purred, "you like that my love?" He whispered. "Lean forward" She obeyed quietly setting her quill down and leaning her head against the table top.

Garlan's fingers delicately unlaced the strings of her dress pulling it open so her full back was exposed, "not here my love.." She began, but was silenced when the tip of his forefinger as it traced her spine, releasing a shiver that slide right through her. He touched her again this time with three fingers touching her back so gently she barely felt it but it felt so good having him touch her like it, "don't stop, please" he placed a single kiss on her back then resumed his lethargic patterns on her back, every time El thought she had gotten used to him touching her a new movement would make her shiver and she's be awakened in pleasure. She was so relaxed, it felt so beautiful how something as simple as having him running his fingers down her back could make her feel so euphoric.

What was most astounding was how hands so large could be so gentle; Imagining what his hands must look like from above only made it felt better, El could picture the prominent veins on backs of his hands and the muscles in his thumbs currently embedding themselves in her shoulders. She imagined his fingers elsewhere.. Damn it; Running down the inners of her thighs, along her neck. She couldn't have him, not now anyway. Not whilst their children slept on their bed and the other half of the hut was filled with guards, that realisation only made her want him more. She didn't speak but she turned around and took his hands in hers, and felt those prominent veins on the backs of his hands.

He was knelt down in front of her, she lent closer with their lips so close to touching, El pulled away slightly, but only for a second before Garlan took her face in both hands and kissed her as gently gently as his fingers had been moving not minutes before and his touch had the same effect. "You might just get what you wanted Garlan" El said smiling as she got up.

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