Chapter Eleven: Brandon Tallhart

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Chapter Eleven:

Brandon Tallhart

Ser Tallhart sat with his back hunched against a wall of the dungeon, his hands were bond in tight hard iron, his hair was greasy and unkempt. Four days, he'd been there. They'd kill him for sure, whether a Elonar would do it or someone else, Brandon didn't know. She wouldn't kill me, she doesn't have it in her, thought Brandon. He smiled to himself into the darkness. He had her totally fooled, how stupid was she? Brandon tapped his fingers against his knee. Elonar was stupid if she ever thought she could command the north, she a women for starters, and secondly she wasn't smart. A smart woman could rule, maybe, under the right circumstance, maybe. Brandon thought back to his mother, Lady Raia was one of those woman, Elonar Stark however was not. She was weak, and under the illusion that a fancy big, old, house name gives her a claim. People follow strength, he thought, that's what his mother always taught him.

The door to his cell creaked open, guard entered he cell "Lady Stark wishes to see you" he said his voice gruff. He stepped aside into the grimy cell, and let Lady Elonar enter. Her dark hair was braided back, she wore trousers, and a black tunic with the Direwolf Sigul stitched onto it and I midnight blue cloak tailed behind her.

She glared at Brandon, her eyebrows knitted over her grey eyes,in deep thought, "leave us" she said to the guard, without another word the guard turned and left.

"Mi'Lady" Brandon bowed his head mockingly

"Shut up" she said angrily "why did you do it?" Elonar hissed

"What?" He smirked

"Brandon, I don't have time for your shit. I ride for Highgarden on the morrow"

"Why Highgarden?" Brandon said standing, he was several steps away from Elonar, still caution leaped in her eyes.

"Answer my question" Elonar snapped

"You answer mine" Brandon said, taking two steps closer to Elonar, so he was only a foot away from her.

"No" she said stubbornly, she held her ground as he inched closer to her "I'll kill you right here, right now." She said fingering the dagger at her waist. "I was going to offer you a trial, but if your going to be like this, then I'll kill you" she was scared, although she had no reason, Brandon was unarmed, and El was, he was in chains and she was free.

"You see El," he began "You are weak, even now, I see the fear inside you" Elonar said nothing, she only, continued to stare constantly, accusingly and coldly into his golden green eyes, "Elonar, I deceived you" he said "but you are truly the fool Lord Bolton and I assumed you to be. You cannot hold the north, half the north is allied with Lord Bolton, the other with Stannis Baratheon. Whereas, You have only two hundred men at the most, Elonar, you are not your father, nor your Brother Robb." Ser Brandon laughed "however all Starks are the same, blinded with your passion for honour" he said "pathetic" he smirked spitefully at her.

"You are wrong Ser Brandon" she smiled sweetly, "I have men, and a promise if marriage into House Tyrell, so I'm just fine actually" her hand swiftly moved to the dagger at her waist, the dagger Brandon had completely ignored "you never personally hurt my brother and mother?" She questioned, her voice and eyes as frozen as a winter morn.

"No" he said shortly

"However, you betrayed me" Elonar said unsheathing her silver blade "and for that, you must die" swiftly as the wind, Elonar Stark's dagger entered Brandon Tallharts heart, she twisted then pulled the knife free, watching the life drain from him, "you tricked me Tallhart. And I've grown stronger from this." His green eyes with the golden flecks bore emptily into her, she cleaned the blade and returned to her chambers.

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