Chapter three: Elonar

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Chapter three:

Patrek Mallister and Brandon Tallhart sat at the small window table in the tavern surrounding Elonar Stark. "So, would anyone like to enlighten me on why, you were wearing the banner of our enemy's?" Elonar asked pushing her dark curls back from her face.

"My Lady," Patrek Mallister began, "At the Wedding, your Mother, Lady Catelyn, asked me and my men to stay guard outside, and keep the men happy while the feast when on, then we heard screaming, then the Boltons turned on us, and the Frey men fell upon us and we fought them off to start with, the Frey men kept coming, and coming, at the time, what we did was treacherous.. We deserted.." His voice slowed "after they brought Robb out.." He took a breath "we ran, me lady"

Elonar Stark nodded "you see, I would punish you for deserting. But with what men?" El laughed. "So why the banners?"

"My lady, the second days ride after we left the twins, we ran into a small group of Bolton men, and the attacked us, after all of them were dead, we wore their banners for safety until we could get to Stannis, he was our only option, until we found you, my lady." Brandon Tallhart said.

El nodded, soaking it all in. "In the morning, we ride for Winterfell." She said standing "now I'd suggest we all get some rest." She turned and headed for her room.

She lay down on the bed. This was a better outcome than El could have ever dreamed. She had been lying down for about an hour when there was a quiet tapping on her door. El rose and cautiously opened the door to find Brandon Tallhart at her door "my lady, I wished to ask you something."

El raised an eyebrow, sceptical of what Lord Tallhart wanted from her at this hour. Brandon spoke "My lady, I want you to know that Theon Greyjoy, did not burn Winterfell.."

"Lord Tallhart, if Theon Greyjoy did not burn Winterfell, when who did?" She questioned, pulling her dark dressing gown closer to her for warmth.

"My lord, I believe that Lord Bolton is to Blame." Brandon said, his voice quieter

Elonar's face was ashen grey, Lord Boltons betrayal was no recent affair. The events of the Red Wedding weren't out of the blue. There was still a touch of uncertainty a Elonar had in her mind, could she trust the men that faced her. Elonar Stark sadly had no choice but to trust them. The hope that they were who they said they were, and the hope that she could go home and peacefully live in Winterfell and rule the north put her to sleep.

When she woke, first light was seeping through the crack in the shatters of her room in the inn. She rose from bed and went to the dressing table tarts at opposite. The landlords daughter had laid out a comb, and and new clean clothes for Elonar. She dressed and for the first time in weeks, brushed through her knotty mess of hair and turned to into brown shiny gold. Her direwolf Sephy at by the mirror watching the door as if anticipating someone.

"Lady Elonar" Patrek Mallister said knocking on her door "we leave whenever you are ready."

El pulled her sword and scabbard from the belt of her trousers and put it in the belt on her dress "I am ready now, Patrek, tell the men we leave now." Outside the men were mounted on their horses, ready to ride. A few metres away, Brandon was holding the reins of his horse and El's. She mounted effortlessly, El had been around horses her whole life, Sephy was at her sides and she kicked her horse and then the north men were gone.

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