Chapter Forty-one

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Chapter Forty-one:
Warning this is a little smut ish.. Ish.. But the next chapter will be really smut ish, just so y'all are aware.

Garlan Tyrell

"Evie- we can't." He said, his voice harsh.

She continued planting soft kisses against his neck "but we could" she smirked and pulled away, her eyes a wicked deep green and narrow.

"No" Garlan said, almost pushing her away, but he looked down at her and she grabbed him face and she pressed her lips gently against his, she kissed him hard, and Garlan kissed her back, then he thought of El and pushed Evangeline away. He left, walking angrily down the corridor. Once around the next corned her lent against the stone wall and tried to wipe her kiss away. What have I done, he thought. His head was spinning. A million things at once.

He couldn't go back to El, not yet, not straight away, instead Garlan made his way to their children's room. Rickard was asleep, curled up in the corner of his bed. His baby son Garlan lay on his back, breathing lightly. But Lyara was awake, she was laying, propped up with one elbow, with the other arm holding a book "daddy." She said quietly "what are you doing here?" She asked hastily moving over so Garlan could sit down beside her.

"I came to make sure you were safe, my sweet" Garlan said stroking her cheek.

"I'm fine Daddy, you don't have to worry about me, I'm nearly seven." She said, smirking.

Seven, gods Garlan thought, the time had seemed to fly in seconds. He remembered when she was born, how scared El was, that they'd loose her too. But Garlan just knew she'd be okay, when he felt her close to his body, to keep her warm, he knew she'd be fine.

"Daddy, why did you leave? And why for such a long time, you made mother cry, so so much." Lyara asked.

"I.. I did not want to leave you, my love, believe me Lyara, I would never want that, not ever. But I had to, I was a prisoner, but I escaped."

Lyara gasped "so you didn't die, and come back to life?"

"No, no, my sweet, I did not." Garlan smiled "it's late, you should be sleeping."

"Will you stay, until I'm asleep?" Lyara asked.

"Of course" Garlan said, he held Lyara under his arm and she curled into him. Garlan stroked her hair gently, and watched her relax slowly.

"Daddy.." Lyara began "will you love me forever?"

"Until the end of time, my love." Garlan said, then Lyara fell asleep reasonably quickly after that. Garlan lifted her tiny arm up, a little so he could get up and leave. He turned and saw his three children all sleeping so happily, then he blow out the candle and left.

Garlan made his way back to his room and entered silently, closing the door behind him. The room was in semidarkness, only illuminated by a few nearly burnt out candles, El lay on top of the skins, clothed in a thin silk nightgown. Garlan untied his boots, and took them off quietly. He pulled his shirt off and left it on the floor. He sat on the edge of the bed, and held his head in his hands, turned back to El, gods she was pretty, a burning guilt sunk in the pit of his stomach. She wouldn't have to know, she'll never know. She can't know. He thought, it felt so wrong. But what really had he done, he kissed one girl, it wasn't as bad as what she'd done.. What she'd done.. He run his fingers through his hair. Still the idea of El and Axel made Garlan feel almost sick, gods she thought you were dead, give her a break.. But it still tugged at him, that El, his wife, had been with another man, without thinking. But that was reason for Garlan to kiss Evie. It was all just so messed up, all of it.

"My love.." El whispered through the dark.

"El.." Garlan said, she reached out for him, and he lay down beside her in silence.

"What's wrong?" El asked sleepily rested her head against his chest, hearing his heart beat faster than normal.

"Nothing, my love" Garlan said kissing her forehead softly. El sat up, sensing there was something wrong. Her eyes repeated the question. "Nothing is wrong El don't worry."

"Where were you?" El asked.

"I went to see my sister Margaery, and she has invited you and Lyara to have tea with her tomorrow morning in the gardens, and after I'd seen Margaery I was walking back, past the children's room, I went in to check on them, and Lyara was awake, I stayed with her until she fell asleep, then I came back." Garlan explained.

"And Evangeline? Where was she?" El questioned, she knew. Was it that obvious? Garlan wondered.

"She.." Garlan started.

"Kissed you." El stated.

"You really are too good at this." Garlan said "good guess, or you saw?"

"Neither, Axel told me" El said.

"Axel?" Garlan raised one eyebrow.

"He was going to bed and he saw you two and them came to me."

"She kissed me El. You have to understand that years ago, she once loved me, and I her.. But this was years ago and she thought that things might go back to what they were, but if Axel had have waited a moment before running to you, he would have seen me pushing her off me, and practically running away, after telling her no,and this could never happen again." Garlan said

"I thought I was overreacting." El said looking down "I was just so paranoid"

"It's okay. Im sorry, I shouldn't have gone with her." Garlan said taking her hand.

El looked up "no, I should be apologising."

"No" Garlan said and pressed his lips to hers before she could say another word. Elonar kissed him back hard, pulling at his lips gently, as if kissing him would make it all better somehow. It wasn't okay, Garlan knew that. But she kissed him like that would fix everything. He pushed himself so he was on top of her, her legs wrapped around his waist "I want, to rip that off you my love" Garlan rasped against her neck slowly.

El didn't answer she just smirked and pulled his closer, Garlan reached into her gown and took her breasts in his hands, then took the silk in both hands and ripped the fabric in half, then he pushed the silk off her shoulders and tossed it aside. Garlan's fingers traced her cheekbones, their eyes met, and they lingered for a moment, his own golden eyes reflected in her grey ones. El sat up and pushed Garlan back, she sat on top of his, her legs spread around his torso, "I love you" she whispered against his chest, he entered her and their fingers met, El clenching her claws into the backs of his hands, holding them above his head, as she rode his gently, she lend close to his lips and he feverishly reached for hers, but she lend back, swinging back. Garlan sat up and supported her as she swung back, his fingers resting in the indentations of her spine. It was okay, it's was. This made it better, it did. If Garlan repeated that, it made it all good. Oh lord, it was good. He held her close as his climax neared, rested his head in her breasts. Her hands held his neck, "look at me" she said, and he looked up at her, his eyes glowing "tell me you love me, more than anything. Tell me you need me." She commanded, gently moving her hips "like you used to" she added quieter.

She moved her hips harder, rotating her hips, still gently, but faster "El" he breathed "I.."

"Say it" she commanded.

"I need you my love" he said, and he caught her off guard with the roughness of his voice, he took this opportunity to throw her El, he held her down "I want you" he almost yelled, he pressed hard into her, "I love you" he pressed again, her legs curled around his body, putting pressure on his backside, "I love you Elonar" she held his face, as he pulled out.

"Again, scream it" she said, holding his face, pressing her foreheads together.

"Fuck-I" he begun, he forced himself so urgently into her, El screamed "I love you" so fast now, nothing else mattered, he closed his eyes, nothing, again, and again, he was throwing himself into her now, his once perfect thrusts, now rushed, this was it, he rode it out and collapsed by side her. He took her face, "I love you" he said it, "I mean it"

"And I you" she pressed her lips to his gently and she lay with her head on his stomach, her head rose and fell as his breaths did, Garlan's fingers traced along her arm.

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