Chapter 55

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Chapter 55


The next morning, El and Garlan went down to breakfast in the great hall. To find, the main tables put away and one single table laid and prepared for breakfast. Sansa and the boltons already there, Roose sat at the head of the table, his wife to his right and his son and Sansa to his left. The table was set with two extra places, for her and Garlan obviously. The bastards in my seat.. El thought. But sat coolly at the opposing end of the table, and only gave Roose a sly smirk, "Lord Bolton" she bowed her head.

"Good morning, Lady Stark" he said graciously, in a still slightly sinister mono-tone.

"Sister" she addressed Sansa sweetly, and Sansa's blue eyes shyly met El's.

"So Lady Stark, what brings you home from Highgarden?" Ramsey Bolton asked, his eyes turned a wicked green.

El bit back the temptation to start a fight, instead she smiled "I can't stand the hot weather and I finished my business in the south it was time to return home."

"Father have you told our guest about the wonderful news yet?" A wicked smirk painted Ramseys cheeks. Garlan looked to her, she was suppressing her emotions well, and his foot nudged hers simply to remind her that now was not the time to explode.

"Not yet Ramsey" Roose scolded.

"Oh, do go on" El smiled.

"I am to marry Sansa" Ramsey said proudly. El was sure her mouth dropped, she looked to Garlan, then to Sansa, who's eyes were on her untouched plate. "How exciting, Lady Elonar, we are to be family"

"Oh splendid" El said, though now she couldn't hid the sarcasm. "When was this arranged?"

"A few weeks past" Ramsey said, still grinning. There was something so wicked about him, something that El Did not trust. But if she was going to beat the Boltons at their own game, she must learn to play It first. "We are getting married next week, the sooner the better, don't you think Sansa"

She mumbled an incomprehensible response, then There was silence, when Ramsey and Roose were Eating, Sansa only picked at her bread, whereas El only sat up in her chair and patted the sides of the chair, staring at Roose. "Lady Elonar, I had been told you had Children." Roose said breaking the silence as he took a sip of his drink.

"I do." She answered coldly. And silence overtook the room again. She was almost too angry to speak, first he sat in her seat, then he called her a guest, marrying her sister to his bastard son, and now is making small talk. God that man was going to die painfully, El could see it now. He killed Robb. Was all she could think of. His slender carefully fingers cutting his meat, with that knife, she could see it all too well, and plunging it into her brother chest and watching him fall, even after he was fall of arrows. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have meetings to attend to" she stood and left as calmly as she could.

El made sure she was a few corridors away before she slammed the door behind her so hard, the bang of the oak rattled for several seconds. Then she stormed up to her chamber and slammed that door also "Fuck" she swore as she flow into the room. She picked up the glass goblet, filled it with wine, then drained it and smashed it into pieces on the floor. While El set about destroying the entire contents of the room Garlan slide into the room unnoticed and sat down on the bed and simply watched Elonar tear the room to pieces.

"If he thinks he's going to get away with this, he can't, he won't. I won't let him." She screamed.

"I know" Garlan said quietly.

"He thinks he can invade my castle, and marry my sister to his bastard son, gods he is mistaken." El stood still then, and looked around at the vast mess shed created only moments before. "He will die, I will kill him" she stayed still and let her hair fall out of its loose knot. "Stannis" she said quietly, after a moment.

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