Chapter Six: Elonar

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Chapter six:

<< Elonar >>

"My lady, are you sure you want to do this?" Ser Brandon Tallhart said to Lady Elonar as he drew his sword and raised it.

Elonar smirked "of course, are you scared you'll loose? Ser Tallhart." Elonar drew her sword and held it out, poised perfectly, her delicate fingers held it so gently Brandon was sure she was going to drop it.

"If you hold your sword like that Mi'Lady, I can assure my victory." Brandon wouldn't really hurt her, and El knew it. Elonar Stark had grown up in this very yard, fighting with her two older brothers, Robb and Jon. And they unlike Brandon were not afraid to hurt El. She had learned to fight her own way. Not the dirty way of men, hacking at the air and delivering brutal blows, but instead her slashes and stabs were as delicate as the needlework that Septa Mordane has taught her. Before Ser Brandon could say another word, she had penetrated the weak stop in his armour under his arm. Ser Brandon slashed back, his blows falling hard, clashing viciously against a elonars sword. But she was too quick, but Ser Brandon, was a trained knight of the North. 'She was just a girl who'd picked a few tricks from watching her older brothers fight' Brandon thought. And it was in the moment when Elonar had him, she slid her ankle behind his and Ser Brandon fell head first into the mud at a Elonar's feet. Elonar stark held her hand out and pulled Ser Brandon up. Before she could pull away, Brandon's fingers lingered on hers for just a moment longer than they should have. Then she turned and walked inside her three handmaids falling behind her.

Inside Elonar, changed into a thick, dress of gold and green, then she hurried down to the great hall, where Axel, Brandon and Patrek were awaiting her at the table. "Tomorrow we ride north" Elonar announced taking her seat at the head of the table. The faces of her companions was a maze of confusion and shock. "We need men" Elonar explained "here we have 400 at the most. And we have no way to feed them all or anyway to pay them. So we ride north, collect the remaining men who will side with us, then we go to wall and see my brother Jon." El rested her fingers on the white direwolves.

"So who will you take?" Brandon asked. Elonar had considered who she would take deeply. She had to go, to see Jon. Also who would believe she was alive without seeing her. She had thought about taking Brandon, but out of the three men that faced her, she trusted Brandon the most. So she would leave Ser Brandon behind and also Patrek Mallister. But take Axel and his men North, that was the best outcome.

"I shall take Lord Umber and 30 of his men North. You, Ser Brandon, will stay here and rule for me, with Lord Mallister, while I am away." Elonar said exhaling. She looked at Brandon, her grey eyes wide and saying all her mouth couldn't, her apology, her explanation. Brandon nodded.

Later shortly after nightfall, Lady stark called for Brandon to meet her by the foot of her tower. When Lady Stark arrived at the bottom of the tower, Ser Brandon Tallhart was leaning against the cold, grey stone. "My Lady" he said bowing his head. Even in the fading light, Brandon could see Elonar's smile.

Together they walked in silence, until they were a safe distance inside the Godswood, again from any ears of the castle. Brandon stops with the old Weirwood to his back, he was easily a head taller than Elonar, she looked up at him, he was a handsome man, black thick hair topped his head, his eyes a glowing golden green, beautiful, Elonar thought. Brandon's hand reached out and gently touched Elonars cheek, he pressed himself against El, but she didn't mind, her hand locked in his, he looked down at her, Brandon's lips touched her and they were as light as moth wings, then he pressed them harder against her. Elonar inhaled a deep breath of the icy cold night air, somehow, the icy air and The feel of Brandon on her skin, set her fire. The fire surged through her, the fire rushing through her veins.

"We shouldn't." Lady Elonar said breaking away and resting her head against Brandon's shoulder.

"We shouldn't" Brandon echoed "but you want to" he pulled Elonar close once again

Elonar was so scared someone would see them, but who was out here? She thought, and she was drawn back to the warmth of Brandon's lips.

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