Chapter Thirty-five

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Sorry I haven't posted in ages, I've been so so busy, and I had to think of new ideas, cos I didn't quite no what to do with this story, since I really regret killing off Garlan, but I've got some ideas that I hope you all will like, so let me know if you like this chapter, cos of you don't like it please tell and ill stop, I'd also like constructive advice/criticism if you have any, let me know y'all, btw if your reading this then I love you and thank you for putting up with my shit and crappy babbling.

Chapter thirty- five


Garlan had been at both Lyara and Rickards births, after Elonar had lost their first child, Garlan had insisted attending both their children's births. Elonar had lost another child so early on she never thought to tell Garlan about it, and now he was gone she regretted not telling him. She didn't regret much when it came to thing she wished she'd said to him, her biggest regret was letting him, the morning he died, pulling away from the kiss. She could have stayed with him, kept him safe, not letting him slip throw her fingers.

It was early evening when she first begun to labour her fourth child, and the labour lasted all night and into the next morning. When morning light came Axel begun to fear that Elonar might not only loose the child but also her own life. As soon as the maesters pulled the child from her, El passed out in exhaustion, before she could see her child. When she finally woke up, it was dark outside and El wondered how long she'd been asleep. Elonar was laying on the love seat but the fire, She sat up slowly and looked around the bed chamber frantically, Grayce was collecting up the blood covered clothes of the bed and Rausa was standing over the crib looking down and smiling. "Girl or Boy" El said hoarsely.

"Boy, Milday" Rausa said turning from El to the crib, and picking up the child and bringing him over to Elonar.

El took the child, and bit her lip hard seeing her sons eyes, him golden orbs smiled up at his mother, with such innocence that El's eyes spilled with tears. "Bring in Lyara and Rickard please" she said, and Grayce exited swiftly to find her children. El had only told Lyara and Rickard about Garlan's death last week, she thought they needed to know, but before then she wasn't strong enough to tell them.

Soon enough Lyara walked in calmly, with Rickard bouncing at her side, that was how it always was, El thought, Lyara leading and Rickard following his older sister. Lyara gasped in ore as she saw her new brother, "is it a girl?" Lyara asked.

"No, my love, a boy I'm afraid" Elonar answered.

Lyara sighed sharply, she was six, near enough seven but looked eight, maybe even nine, and that girl had wisdom, some children aren't born to be children, they're born to ladies or men, Lyara was one of the children. She was beautiful too, the sort of beauty that would only increase as she grew older, she had pretty rose kissed cheeks, golden brown waves and golden eyes, Lyara moved closer to her mother and Elonar held the child out to Lyara "he's sweet" she said stroking the child's forehead.

"What's his name?" Rickard asked, clambering onto El, and curling into her.

"Gods, rick." Lyara sighed once more "you don't name a child straight after he's been born"

Rickard looked as though he might cry, El stroked his hair and kissed the top of his head "no, he Doesn't have a name, I want you two to help me choose" El smiled holding out her other arm, inviting Lyara in, she sat beside her mother, still holding the baby.

There was a long silence, Lyara waited a while before she spoke as if she was plucking up the courage to say "we should name him after father" the child played with Lyara's finger "so we won't forget him"

It took all Elonar had in her not to begin balling right there and then, Elonar considered Lyara's suggestion and the more El contemplated it the more she agreed with her daughter "Lyara, you do know how very clever you are, I think it's a wonderful suggestion. But I think that he needs a name all of his own, because if he has fathers name he will always be trying to be lie, him and never learn to be himself" She looked from Lyara then to Rickard and smiled " I think it's time you two were in bed asleep, I've kept you up for so long, you two need sleep, but we'll find him a name in the morning."

"But, mumma, can't we sleep with you, like we used to" Rick said. El remembered those nights, when Rick was really little, he would have terrible nightmares, and El would also bring him in to sleep with her and Garlan, but Garlan would always feel bad for Lyara, so he bring Lyara in too and the four of them would spend the night entangled in each other.

"Not tonight my sweet" El sighed, "Grayce will take you into bed, I love you both" She kissed them Both and watched Grayce take them to bed.

Rausa helped El into bed then left the child in his crib, as hard as she tried El couldn't sleep, she got up slowly and she nearly stopped due to the pain of walking but she walked on and stood over her child's crib "if only your father could see you, my sweet" she smiled. Elonar picked him up and took him back to her bed and lay him back down beside her, Elonar let him playing with her fingers and pull at her hair. Soon he fell asleep and but El couldn't sleep, but was quite happy to watch her baby sleep, he was so peaceful asleep, until he woke up howling not half and hour after El had fallen asleep at last, once her son had finally gone back to sleep, she couldn't stop thinking of Garlan, if he was here he'd insist that she stayed in bed, he'd make sure the baby was okay, and he'd get that crease on his brow in concentration whenever he did anything with the children, he'd always be so careful, like he'd break them, he was everywhere, but he was gone, and she need to fully realise that and move on, but it was hard, so very hard, when he was everywhere she looked. On the contrary to what she'd told Lyara, El wanted to name him Garlan, Gods, she did.

The next morning, when the sun was nearly high in the sky, El invited Axel in to help her name her son, "gods Axel I can't call him Garlan can I?" El said very seriously, sitting up in bed staring harshly at Axel.

Axel sat down on the end of her bed "and why not.."

Elonar was silent, she didn't have reason not to name him after his father apart from the one she'd used, talking to Lyara the night before. "the same reason I told Lyara, he needs his own name so he can be himself."

"You named Rickard after your grandfather did you not? I think naming him after Garlan is perfect because if we are trying to convince the Tyrells that we are fully committed to their side, we need to convince them."

El sighed "fair point" she shook her head a little and smiled.

El did decide to name her son after him father in the end, after much begging from Lyara, Once he was a few months old Elonar left for Moat Cailin with Axel and Alysane left at Winterfell. She was terrified to leave her children, but even more anxious about loosing the war. The first night El arrived just south of Moat Cailin, the evening was cool, but had a hint of springs warmth in the cool breeze.

"Axel will you stay awhile?" El asked as everyone was leaving to go to bed for the night.

"As you wish, Milday" he said sitting back down beside El and pouring a drink, there was a long silence before either of them said a word, he was quite an attractive man, with dazzling blue eyes, broad shoulders, and thick blonde hair, braided behind him head loosely. El looked at him while biting her lip a little, gods, El thought, she had no idea how this all work, seducing men, that is. With Garlan it just happened, she didn't need to convince him anything, but she needed to get over him, and Axel was right there.. she stood slowly and walked past Axel tracing her fingers across his shoulders, then leaning next to him to get the pitcher of wine, she was pulling back to return to her seat, when Axel took her hand and pulled her in to kiss him, she pulled him up with her still kissing him. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this for" he said pulling away for breath, El smiled a little and pressed her lips to his once more.

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