Chapter Eight: Brandon Tallhart

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Chapter Eight:

<< Brandon >>

Three days after Elonar Stark left for the wall, was when Brandon Tallhart sent word to Roose Bolton. The betrayal came easy to Ser Brandon. He had played her like a game, she trusted him, she thought she knew him, but Elonar Stark is just a child, she knows nothing. At the Red Wedding, there had been word that Elonar had been sighted near by, Roose Bolton had send Brandon to find her. After finding Elonar, Brandon sent word to Lord Bolton and he'd promised Ser Brandon land and his fathers old title, and also that the Bolton men would help recapture Torrens Square back from the Ironborn. So the betrayal meant nothing, Brandon would regret nothing. He even smiled when he thought of Elonar and her pathetic claim. She was pathetic, Brandon snorted to himself "Lord Tallhart" a servant said "Patrek Mallister to see you" someone had send a raven north, Brandon saw it fly, but why shoot it down? Let the she wolf come running back here, where we can put an end to her.

"Sent him in" Brandon said I rested his feet up on the table, his gloved fingers tapped lightly on the direwolves on the hands of the chair. "Patrek!" Brandon said excitedly

Patrek Mallister strode forward to wear Brandon sat.

"Mi'Lord" Patrek said bowing "You wished to see me?" Patrek looked up.

"Who's side are you on?" Brandon asked twisting a ring on his left hand

"Did you love her?" The Mallister lord said, House Mallister were sworn to the Tullys, and lady Elonar had Tully blood, after all that had happened, Patrek felt he owned his loyalty to Elonar. He also loved her, the night in the Godswoods, when Brandon kissed Elonar was seen my Patrek.

In response to the Question, Brandon Tallhart laughed, a simple, frozen icy laugh, he tilted his head back and then roared with laughter as if they were two friends larking about. "I never loved that Bitch" he laughed again "I had to get her on side, she didn't trust me"

"She was right not to trust you" Patrek snapped "if only we all were that wise" Patrek shook his head slowly

"Kneel" Brandon commanded "you send word of our plans to the stark Bitch didn't you?" Brandon rose, pushing his dark hair back from his face. Brandon towered over the now kneeling Patrek, Brandon's eyes narrowed expecting an answer "answer me!" He exclaimed, still nothing, Patrek said nothing. Brandon struck Patrek, backhand with his iron glove.

Patrek glared up at him, and spat "on my honour as a Mallister, I will remain loyal to the Queen in the north." He spat again this time, his mouth full with blood "Elonar Stark" Brandon unsheathed his sword and in one swift swinging motion, removed Patrek Mallister head from his shoulders, spraying his warm fresh blood out onto the cold stone floor of the great hall. Brandon Tallhart wiped Patrek's blood from his blade onto Patrek's shirt. Brandon strolled calmly away from Patrek Mallisters still warm corps and out into the yard, where a large group of men wearing the banner of house Bolton were dismounting.

The Queen in the North: Game of thrones fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang