Chapter Thirty-nine

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Chapter thirty-nine

"My lord Tyrell" she bowed in front of Lord Mace, Lady Olenna, Willas, and Loras.

"Lady Stark" he nodded.

"We have a great deal of explaining to do" El began, she turned to see Garlan standing a few paces behind her.

"Father, Grandmother, Willas, Loras" Garlan said, smirking. He walked forward.

Mace leaped from his seat and peered down at Garlan "my son" he said, Mace embraced Garlan.

"Mace, you told me he was dead." Olenna said.

"About that" Garlan laughed "the lannisters captured me, and held me prisoner until recently. They also sent a body to Elonar to prove I was 'dead', when in fact I was far from it." Garlan explained.

"You laugh as though, this is all hilarious Garlan." Mace said.

"Well it is, a little. I'm back now, that's all that matters" Garlan smiled. El rolled her eyes heavily.

"Very well.." Mace said "we will feast your return, for now, you will be shown to your rooms then we will eat."

Garlan lingered in the hall, to speak to his brothers, but Axel took El up to her room. Garlan soon found his way up to his chambers, he was about to enter when he heard El and Axel speaking "he doesn't understand what he's done to me, he just doesn't get it Axel."

"I know" Axel said sympathetically.

"He thinks he can run back to me, after over a year, after I knew he was dead, he doesn't see how hard it's been for me, I had his child and he wasn't there, everything has changed, I learned to live without him.." El said, she was so close to tears, Garlan could hear that in her voice.

Learned to live without him, that hurt the most. That fact she'd moved on,and he could do nothing to stop her. Garlan rubbed his face with his hand, and took a deep breath, before gathering up the courage to go in.

He pushed the door open a little, "I'll leave you two then." Axel smiled meekly.

"My love, I-" Garlan started.

"You don't understand." El said crossing the room, to the window.

"Then help me understand El" Garlan said.

"How?" She spat, she spun around, tears ran down her face. "You left me, they told me you were dead, what else was I supposed to believe? I had our child, when you weren't there. The months before and after I spend laying on the floor crying. Every night, I hugged your shirts, until they didn't smell like you anymore, I couldn't sleep in our bed, because it smelt like you. Gods Garlan.." She held her head in her hands, Garlan wanted to speak but he sensed El wasn't done yet. "After a while, I got myself up, with Axel's help, I got up for Lyara and Rickard, they needed me. I was broken, you mean the world to me Garlan, I needed you like I needed air to breath. But I learned to breath again, without you. Don't you see how frustrating this is for me?" She said, the pain seeping through every word.

"No I don't see, El I love you, with all my heart, and every day I was there, I tried and tried to get back to you. You, it was all for you, I rode down the whole country, in two weeks, to find you, and I finally found you, I thought I was going to be welcomed back but you welcomed me at first then you froze me out." Garlan said tears clouded his eyes.

"But Garlan, I got used to you not being here, that's why, It will take a little bit of time. What happened with Axel, I was trying to feel whole again, we sleep together and It didn't help, one bit, the whole time, I had to close my eyes, to stop the tears, but when my eyes were closed, your face was all I saw. I love you, but I needed to move on. Then as soon as I did, you come back." She said sadly. "It's so strange for me, you have to understand"

Garlan walked to where she stood, he knelt before her "my love" he took her hands "you are my everything, I know I can't mend, the hole right away, but I love you, I love you, I love you," he said. He sensed she was calmer now, her hands pulled him up, she stroked his cheek "my love I-" she cut him off again, she pressed her lips to his gently, Garlan held her face gently and the kissed deepened.

El pulled away, "you know this room, is-"

"Where we first.." He smiled and she smiled shyly back. He pulled her in and kissed her again.

"You know, I'm sorry, I treated you poorly, and I had no right" El said nervously.

"You, my dear, are forgiven." He kissed her neck "I love you" he said in-between kisses. He wanted her now, more than ever. He knelt back down, and she sat back on the bed, Garlan pulled her shoes off lightly, then he pushed her skirts up, he kissed all over, everywhere, he pulled his shirt off and Garlan slowly unlaced El's dress, she sat up and kissed him hard, El pressed him down, she rotated her hips gently, moving them in gentle circles, she looked up and the Celling and pushed her hair back from her face, that was the thing Garlan loved, he just couldn't think of anything else besides her, he wanted her, he needed her. His lips feverishly met hers and he threw her over, his eyes glowed gold, in the afternoon light.

"Gods, let me win" she moaned, trying to lead. He never answered, he just let her take control.


"how long do you think we have, before we late for dinner" El asked after. Garlan sat up, and held his head in his hands, El sat next to him and lay her legs over him, pulling him into kissing her.

"I don't know, you should probably get dressed." Garlan said and he lay back once El had gotten up.

She gave back, with two dressed "blue or gold?" She asked

"Blue" he replied, "it will look nicer with your eyes." Then he got himself dressed.

She smiled and slid into the dress, she stood and waited for Garlan to lace up her dress. His warm fingers sent sensations down her back as they would occasionally brush her back between each lace, once he reach the top, he swept her hair back and kissed her neck. "Perfect" he whispered.

And together they went down to dinner, "it's strange, how I was so mad, at you earlier.. But now all i want to do is kiss you" El said.

"That, is what I believe to be true love, my dear." Garlan said kissing her.

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