Chapter Seventeen: Garlan

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Chapter Seventeen:

*Guys this chapter is really really short, I'm sorry I have no time at the moment. Thank you for 6k OMG 😱💕 but in two weeks I'll be on holidays and I'll have six weeks of solid writing time!!!!*

Garlan Tyrell

"I've never been North of Kingslanding before" Garlan said looking over to Elonar as the rode north to Winterfell.

"Then, you have never lived Garlan" she laughed flicking her hair over her shoulder.

"Is it always cold up there?" Garlan said

"Yes" she laughed again "but you'll get used to it" Elonar smiled.

"I've never seen snow either" he admitted

"You'll get used to it I'm sure" Elonar said, they were two days ride south of the twins. "It's another months rode to the Winterfell" she turned to face Garlan, "I want to kill Walder Frey"she confessed, the fires of revenge burning bright in her grey eyes.

Axel Umber looked to El "Mi'Lady, they wouldn't let us past the gates, they would expect your intentions"

"And I'd kill every man until I got into that god damned castle" El retorted angrily.

"El, I'd wouldn't be wise" Garlan said kindly "what honour is their in revenge? Slaying them in their own castle is sinking to their level. What they did to your family was terrible, and should not go unpunished, but now is not the time" oh El, he thought, Elonar stark, wild and vengeful, a true wolf. "We will punish them, but not now. Have patients Mi'Lady" Garlan smiled.

"Fine" she spat "but we will kill them" she rode off, on her silver grey mare with her silver cloak flying behind her, stubborn too, Garlan smiled and cantered after her.

Later that evening, after dinner and after the su nap had set, in their bed tent, when Garlan entered, and found El already in bed under the skins "I thought you'd never come" she smirked sitting upright.

"I would like to apologise about earlier" he said sitting down on the end of the bed

"I was rash, my thinking anyway." She looked down at her hands "and I would get no where, if I was alone, I know I need both you and Axel" he looked right at Garlan "I am sorry"

Garlan took one of her hands in his and squeezed it gently "what do you think of?" He said, moving closer to her.

"My family most of the time, and how I will avenge their deaths" she laughed slightly "the funny thing is, growing up, I never fitted in properly, now that they're gone, I guess I miss them" she bite her lip and sat up straight with her legged crossed, then she stared at her hands which were shaking in her lap. Then her grey eyes turned to Garlan, his eyes were wide and encouraging.

"What they did.. To your brother and mother, was.. Horrid" Garlan said, and he reached for her hand.

Although his words meant well, everyone always said the same things to El,and each time, each one said how horrid it was, it was like El was the one being slaughtered. "I saw them.. I saw their bodies, outside the twins" she admitted "I had heard that they would be at the twins, they were" her eyes flooded with tears "I've never told anyone this" she said, shaking all over, Garlan held her in his arms, her face pressed against his chest. He didn't know what to say, she was broken and he could do nothing to help her, he was utterly helpless. He just held her close for some time while she cried. "My life went to shit" she sniffed, "everything after I went to Kingslanding with my father." She was weak inside, "and it just kept getting worse and worse, but now, Garlan, I have you and you have me, and I hope now, things might get better now."Garlan could see that now, he saw that the valiant young she wolf was but a mask, that covered the frightened girl that hide beneath. But through her tears, Garlan could see that her vulnerabilities were her greatest strength.

All he could say was "it's all okay now, now that you have me" he kissed her forehead lightly, "and I will let nothing ever hurt you", and for the first time, she believed she was truly safe.

When Elonar and her four thousand Tyrell swords returned home to Winterfell, snow covered everything, from the high towers, to the stone pavement of the yard. El smirked as she dismounted just inside the gates, servants took the reins of their horses while the men flowed through the gates, El stood still, in the middle of the snow covered yard, while the tallest man Garlan had ever seen strode towards them , with a great grey beard and huge broad shoulders and the same blue eyes as Axel. The giant knelt before Elonar "Mi'Lady Stark" he bowed his huge head.

"Rise Lord Umber." El said, looking sternly at lord Umber "I trust you haven't sold me out to lord Bolton" The man shook him head and smiled "lord umber meet my husband, Ser Garlan, of house Tyrell"

The greatjon nodded but his eyes were full of disgust as he looked Garlan from foot to head then rose, "Mi'Lady, I'm glad to have you back" then he opened his great arms and let El in, and she went to him happily. "We did have a few problems with the Boltons, not three weeks past, but don't fret Mi'Lady I sorted them out, we captured lord Boltons bastard Ramsey, and a few of his men, Mi'Lady he claims to have your sister Arya back at the dreadfort, along with the remains of your parents and brother"

"Then I will see Ramsey as soon as possible" El said coldly. "Axel, show Garlan our chambers"

"Mi'Lady, which one?" Axel questioned kindly.

"My usual.. No, the great chamber, but first clean it out and put everything in it, in my old chamber." She said, she eyes went glassy for a moment then she bite back her evident tears then stormed out with the Greatjon behind her, leaving Garlan alone with Axel.

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