Chapter Twenty-five

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Chapter twenty-five:

Elonar Stark

The snow fell heavy, and formed a pure white blanket over the north. Elonar Stark held court for the first time since the death of her child. The great hall was alive and rumbling when she entered. All lords, great and small had arrived in Winterfell to receive El. She took her seat in the throne of winter. "We" she said above the noise, and the hall fell silent. "we are truly,going to have to fight for what is ours" uneasy glances were shared between every man that stood before her. "The Lannisters, have declared war on us. We have three choices, and the choice we make will change everything" her voice was crystal clear and as strong as steel. "The first choice is that we surrender and throw away our alliance with Stannis Baratheon, which will result in war with Stannis, which we cannot afford" screams of angry and displeasure fill the hall, Axel Umber, with great difficulty calmed the hall. "The second choice, is we go to war with them right now, with the impending winter at our backs, without any preparations and enough trained men, they would slaughter us" the northern lords seemed to like that, the rash Hast of the proposal "And our final choice, is we prepare through the winter, because the lannisters aren't going to march on us in the depth of winter, so we grow stronger from the winter and once spring comes, we will have a fighting chance at defending what is naturally ours."

There was great disagreement to which course of action to take, whether to wait out the winter or to charge blindly into battle. Eventually, the Northmen agree to wait out the winter, with the help and reason from Garlan and Axel. That evening, during dinner, El did not choose the high table of Winterfell, nor the throne if winter to dine at, instead she sat on the benches, in between Axel and Garlan, but with the everyone from high lords to the man. She listened to the stories that everyone had to tell, and promised to help each and everyone with their problems, however petty. Later the greatjon came and sat across fro El and started complaining drunkenly about how they were being cowards and cravens for not wanted to rage into battle with the entire Lannister army, in the next month. While the greatjon was talking, El although she looked at him could not concentrate on him; under the table Garlan's hand wandered up her leg slowly, making her skin tingle. She glared at his for a moment, and he just smiled.

"You see, lord Umber, we cannot simply run into battle with the lannisters, we are not prepared" El tried to explain.

"Women." He grumbled under his breath, "I don't know why I tolerate you." He laughed and took a swig of ale.

El just laughed "go to bed" she commanded and nodded to Axel, who immediately got up and escorted his father away.

"You shouldn't that've taken that from him" Garlan said, holding her her thigh firmly under the table.

"And you shouldn't do that here" she snapped

Garlan laughed, and whispered "and why not love? Who's going to stop us?" He kissed her neck and she shook and head, but turned away to smile. He released her knee and held her hand instead.

Later, once night had fallen, El was undressing her bed, and pulled a night gown over her head, Garlan couldn't help but watch, she was so perfect, the way she pushed strands of hair behind her ears. The way she walked, her small cheeky smile. She flopped down beside Garlan and he pulled her close, into his arms, so her head rested on his chest and he fiddled aimlessly with her hair, placing one single curl between his thumb and forefinger and examining it so closely, then he looked at her, and lifted her chin up "are you happy?" He asked, his voice had it's normal warmth but it was hard and serous.

El though for a moment "only when I'm with you" she kissed his chest, them his neck and along his jawline, where stumble was appearing. He held her face in his hands and kissed her, she pulled at his bottom lip slightly. His hand moved to her waist and held it tightly, her pulled up the white night gown and rubbed the smooth skin of her thigh, which was locked around his waist.

"What if you fall pregnant again?" Garlan said anxiously as El pulled at the strings on his breeches.

"Then, gods be good, I do, and we get an heir." She said looked at his "if we are waiting out the winter, then my we have time, they say time winter shall be the longest winter anyone has ever seen." Her eyes were a sparkly moonlight grey and grow larger with every word she spoke.

"But.." Garlan said "I'm afraid my love" he blinked quickly to tear the glint of a tear that had glazed his eyes. "What if we loose it again El?"

El smiled meekly, stroking his cheek "all we can do is try my love, if we loose it again then the gods are not good. Something's are not meant to be." She wrapped her arms around His waist, "and we will get our child, I swear it" she whispered in his ear softly. "My love it's been so long" she nearly pleaded, "I need this, I need you"

He smirked and kissed her hard on the lips, "you really are.. The best thing I could have ever dreamed of" he pushed himself up so he was above her, "I love you" he said against her lips.

"I love you" El said pulling at his hair, and locked her legs around him, she held his waist and he kept kissing her.

When morning came, El was laying wide awake, watching the sun rise, and the beams flood throw the frozen glass. Garlan was fast asleep beside her, he looks so much younger asleep, she thought and so handsome. She couldn't help but stare at him, she kissed his cheek and then went to the window to watch the snow, she didn't go outside onto the balcony only because she was scared people would see her, and all her nakedness. She pulled a red robe on to cover herself then, watched everything from her balcony, she looked out on the godswood and and then to the yard where Axel was leading a training session for the men. She turned around, hearing a small moan escape Garlan's lips. She climbed onto if him, "shhhhh" she said, his eyes fluttered and moaned again feeling her weight on top of his but he didn't seem to mind she kissed his neck and swept her hair aside so it wasn't in his face.

"Go back to sleep" he groaned at her.

"No" she said firmly sitting on him. She placed her hands on her hips and stared at him.

"El, it's to early" Garlan moaned

"And last night was to late,we can sleep later, we have wars to plan, provisions to assemble, banners to call" she laughed casually drawing circles on his bare chest.

He finally opened his eyes and rubbed them, then Smiled at El and held her hips "well if you'd get off me, then we could do something" she leaped off him and threw herself on the other side of the bed. She's like an overexcited puppy, he thought then laughed with her, pulling her close and hugging her, He lifted her up and kissed her all over. They spent that whole day, together, talking about absolutely nothing at all.

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