Chapter 71// Axel

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Chapter seventy one, Axel

(I'm super tired and I have a migraine yet I just wrote this chapter in like 15 minutes... Enjoy maybe..)

This chapter is basically Axel being sassy to El and Garlan.. Oops it's shit but no one cares about this story anyway 😂

It was not yet a month after Axel and Sansa married that El, Garlan and Axel left for Kingslanding. Axel still came after El insisted that Sansa would stay in Winterfell with Alysane. "I don't know why you came" El said one night at dinner in some decrypted inn.

"Like I said before we left, my lady, I had you a promise. And I intend to keep those promises I make" Axel replied sipping his wine.

"It's an awful sacrifice you're making so soon after your wedding." Garlan said smiling as he slid on the the bench next to El.

"I'm sure Axel is doing just fine without Sansa.. Besides he could have stayed in Winterfell with her." El smiled shyly down at her food.

Axel shrugged, "my lady, forgive me" Axel coughed, "but what Is it exactly you are going to say to the King, when we arrive in Kingslanding" Axel said, in somewhat of a fake sort of formality, he usually reserved for court not a casual dinner such as this.

El considered this for a moment, "I am going to tell him that, him and I have no quarrel and I seek a pardon for anything my family have done prior to now, then I shall try to bridge an alliance between our houses."

"And what will this alliance we sealed with? Your daughters marriage to Tommen and Margaerys son, provided they have a son.. Or would that be to close a marriage. Given that margaery is Garlan's sister.." Axel pointed out almost sarcastically.

El had not actually thought of that technicality until now, obviously she couldn't marry Lyara to her cousin who was still to be born. "No actually, I was thinking Sansa and your child, provided you have a daughter." El said coldly, mirroring the tone Axel had just taken with her.

"My child?" Axel questioned, "you want to marry my child to the Lannisters. Why don't you just marry Orla off to them? since you already have my child." With that Axel sat back and watched his last words sink in. He kept his eyes on El and she held his gaze.

El was taken aback by his words. How dare he speak to her like that? In front of everyone especially Garlan, whose hand slid onto her thigh urging her to calm down. "How dare you speak to me like that? I am your queen.." El said with as much force as she dared.

Axel raised his eyebrow, "my lady forgive me, I meant no offence. I was plainly stating that you already have a child from me, and I'm sure the King would want his child to marry your child over your sisters child by the second son of a Lord of a minor northern house he has probably never heard of."

"What difference does it make whether the child is mine or my sisters? If it's father is as you said the second son of a Lord from a minor northern house. Surely it's better if the child isn't a bastard then?" El fired back.

"So she's a bastard then? You are going to make illegitimate after all? I thought you would have wanted to avoid a scandal, my lady forgive me while I am still after nearly ten years trying to figure out what games you are playing" Axel smirked.

El's eyes narrowed, "excuse me, I am suddenly feeling rather, tired all of a sudden I will retire to bed." El said abruptly.

"Allow me to ascot you, my lady" Axel said smiling.

"No, I can handle this Axel" Garlan interjected.

"Can you Garlan?" Axel smirked.

El sighed, "Axel outside now." El said sharply, before tuning to Garlan and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, "give me a minute, I can handle this. I'll meet you upstairs." Garlan nodded and let El lead Axel outside into the cold nights air.

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