Chapter forty three

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Chapter forty three

"So why exactly are you taking me to your castle?" El asked turning to turning while the rode side by side.

"As i said, my father what's me to speak to the local lords, and also check on the castle." He smirked "and I thought you might enjoy some time for us alone maybe."

"It's going to be lovely" she smiled.

Brightwater keep was very pretty, it was Garlan's official titled land , although he only set foot in the place once. "I'm so glad it's just you and I" he said as they were dismounting at the doors.

"As am I" El smiled, "we have so much to sort out" she said, taking Garlan's hand, and lacing their fingers together.

After dinner they went upstairs, the whole Evening Garlan had been telling El about all the things they could do here, archery and riding, and how he wanted to take El tot he ocean and show her everything, he was just talking and talking, when they finally reached the top of tower where their chamber was located. El kissed his hard to shut him up, and pulled at his lips gently. "El"he said pulling away slightly "I want to do everything to you" Garlan whispered against her neck, "that's why I brought you here, so we could do everything, without interruptions." He kissed down her collarbone sending shivers through her body.

"Everything" El smiled slightly, she held his face in her hands, and pressed her lips to his gently, she pulled at his bottom lip. He kissed her hard, pressing her against the stone wall, his tongue possessed her mouth, he lifted her so her legs were around his waist, Garlan carried her over to the bed "lay back my love" he said, and she obeyed. Garlan expertly untied the fastenings of her dress and pulled the soft fabric off her slowly. His fingers brushed over her whole body, "I'm so so sorry about everything" he said kneeling down, rubbing her thighs as he went down.

She opened her legs wide around him, he teased her a little, running his index finger up and down. "Oh fuck" she gasped as he inserted his finger swiftly, he pulled it out against and she moaned his name. Without warning he slipped his middle finger in, and moved them both faster inside of her.

"I love watching your face while I do this to you" he smirked, before his head was between her legs, and he pressed his lips to her, while continuing to move his fingers.

The burning grew in the pit of her stomach "oh god, I-" she begun but El couldn't form a coherent sentence as his fingers slipped in, at still a faster pace. His lips sucked at her, and El crushed his face between her thighs.

"My love you are wearing far too much" El said catching her breath, Garlan stood and pulled his shirt over his head and he watched her, she watched him and bit her bottom lip, Elonar propped herself up, laying back on the pillows, she untied her hair and let it fall over her bare breasts, just seeing her laying there like that was enough to make him crave her more than ever. Garlan crawled up onto her, he held her breasts in his hands and kissed her collarbone. "Get off" she hissed sternly.

Garlan was confused but still he rolled off her, El smiled wickedly, she sat on his lap, he entered her and he moaned, she kissed him hard, her hair tickling his chest, she lent back, he held her hips as she ground into him, so gracefully it was astounding. She kissed down his stubble line, along his neck, then down his chest. She begun to push him into her harder. "I'm close" he moaned, holding her waist, his eyes closed in pleasure. "Fuck - El I can't" he released a shaky breath, then he threw El over and threw himself into her hard, pressing his hands against the backboard of the bed. He thrusted hard and sloppy, then he fell off her, covered in sweat.

She took his face in her arms, and rubbed her thumb against his beard "I love you, more than anything, you understand that, don't you?" She whispered."I want everything back, the way it was before." She confessed.

He nodded, and held her waist, pulling her closer, so just centimetres was all that was between them "El, things can't simply, go back to the way they were. But I think we have nearly rebuilt, what we lost." He pressed his forehead to hers "I love you, and I need you more than you can ever know"

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