Chapter Nine: Elonar

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Chapter nine:

On the sixth morning that Lady Elonar and Axel Umber were at Castle Black, a raven came. And it was Jon who brought the news to Elonar. "Elonar" Jon spoke a he entered her chambers. "There is news from winterfell" his voice was as cold as the morning air beyond the window. Elonar turned looking at Jon hopefully with those big grey eyes. "Sister.." He said his voice as cold as the air outside "It's Brandon, the raven was sent by Patrek Mallister."

"Is he dead?" Elonar said, her voice shook.

"No, the Boltons rode on Winterfell, there was no battle. No bloodshed. Nothing but Brandon embracing Roose Bolton like an old friend." Jon spoke the last words slowly. "I'm sorry" Jon said.

She registered what had happened fast and screamed "He betrayed me" then throw her goblet at the floor spilling wine everywhere. "He betrayed me" she said again, this time her voice was softer, but filled with sadness. Then the tears flowed from her eyes, she sank to the flow and Jon sat with her.

Just for a moment, he once again throw again the vows he'd made. He held Elonar in his arms "it will all be okay little sister" he said little sister but 'little' was something that Elonar Stark was not anymore, she would be 17 on her next name day. Jon would be 20 on his.

"So what now Jon? What do I do now?" Elonar sobbed "what now?"
"I don't know little sister" Jon Snow said. The room fell silent for a moment then Jon snow said "when I heard news of Robb's death" he paused "I wanted to leave, right then. I was prepared to throw away my vows to go to the aid of a dead man."

"Your brother" El corrected. "Our brother" she sniffed wiping tears from her eyes.

"But I didn't." Jon said taking Elonars hand, "little sister, there was nothing I could do. I got up and grow strong. As did you, and that is what you must do now." Jon stood "so little sister what do you think that you should do?"

"I will ride south and take back, what is lawfully mine" Elonar said as she rose from the floor and flapped a crease in the fold of her red gown.

"Then little sister that is what you must do." Jon Snow said looking down on Elonar, only a moment ago El was the child Jon had left sobbing in Winterfell years ago, but now she stood tall, holding her head up hide, letting the light shone onto her eyes, letting him see the fire and strength that she had grown into.

That night, the betrayal hurt and pain surged all around Elonar's body, "he betrayed me" she sobbed under the warm skins "he betrayed me" she repeated, and suddenly the pain melted away, like snow when summer came, and was placed with the fire of anger. The determination for revenge. But somehow the pain was still there, the pain was the fuel for her fire and it burned bright in the dark air.

The next day, before Elonar could leave Jon caught her at the gates. Hugged her then whispered in her ear "avenge Robb and father little sister" Jon said, he of course could not take part in any conflict in the realm, so the revenge lay to Elonar Stark

"Don't worry, I will avenge them." Elonar Stark hissed "and I will personally kill Brandon Tallhart, Roose Bolton and Walder Fray, I swear it"Elonar said, her voice as harsh and cold as the winter air that swirled peacefully around them, "on my honour as a Stark" she would miss Jon, he was all she had left, "Jon, let me know when the impending ice army are coming, we'll send some men" she tighten her grip on her brother "I love you Jon"

"And you little sister" Jon released her "take care" he shook her hand, like men do "oh and always remember the man who says the sentence should.."

Elonar cut him off and they finished the sentence together "should swing the sword" he smiled. He missed that, he missed Elonar and the bond they once had. "Winter is Coming" she grinned and mounter horse then tossed her dark curls behind her shoulder. Jon snow smiled then she was gone.

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