Chapter 56

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Chapter fifty six
Here's a quick little chapter I just wrote and I've half written the next one but I'm exhausted and I'll probably finish it tomorrow.. Then post.

Xo Sophie


El pulled away from Axel just as the snow began to fall. "I can't do this" she turned ways abruptly. "It's big fair on anyone"

Axel sighed, "is it ever?" He lent his head back against the tree.

El went back to the horses and mounted hers quickly, and took off. Her head spun, why did she alway get herself into such a mess? Guilt boiled the inside of her stomach, she imagined Garlan waiting back in Winterfell for her to return with their children. El wanted to just want him, more than anything in this world, but when Axel kissed her like he'd just done, he was all she could think about.

He was like an illness, she would get ill with him, he would invade her every muscle, then once she thought she was rid of it, he would find a way to snake himself into bloodstream once more, and she would be just as addicted as she once was.

They alleged farm, where Lyara and Rickard were staying, wasn't in actual fact more than a few scattered huts, and a dozen sheep dotted around the nearing frozen fields. Ser Francas Ambrose, greeted them at the decrepit stone gate of the farm.

"Milady" he kissed her hand lightly.

"Ser Francas" she smiled. El looked around at the huts, people began to appear from inside the huts, Lyara ran out from the closet hut, excited calling to her mother, she was shortly followed by her younger brother who's legs were yet no long enough to carry him faster than his sister. El knelt to the ground and took both her children tightly in her arms. She kissed both of them, and pulled them closer to her chest once more. When she finally rose, holding Rickard on her hip and lacing her fingers into her daughters tiny digits.

An old man, and woman, obviously the farm owners, looked slightly in owe of El, "I must extend my greatest and humblest gratitude to you, without your protection over children, I fear for what might have happened to them" she said graciously.

"No matter, your grace" the old man said, with a wide smiled painted across his face.

"I am no Queen, not anymore." She said humbly, and right then she had never looked older, the beautiful young woman who looked no more than twenty, looked thirty. "I can scarce call myself a the lady of the North anymore."

"The Stark's have justly ruled the North for centuries, and that's how it must stay, your father was a good man, a good Lord, and you Milady, a good queen if that's the title you take, but whoever you are Milady, the North will follow." The old man reached out his shaky hands and Elonar took them in hers, "the North remembers" he said, he squeezed her hand gently.

She felt an odd sense on wonder, and an odd surge of leadership. Her cause validated somehow by an old farmer. "Thank you" she said as humbly as she could without tears brimming her eyes.

"Any other northern would have done the same" his wife said, and she smiled. The woman's smile was among the warmest El had ever seen,"Milady would you care for something to eat or drink?" She asked.

"Only if it isn't too much trouble.."

"No of course not, Milady" she said and El gave Rickard to Axel, and the woman took El by the arm and took her inside the hut. She took a seat by the fire, and Lyara sat beside her and clung to her arm.

"Your children, your wonderful" she said smiling pouring tea. El smiled, "lady Lyara, is without a doubt the most intelligent six year old I have ever met, and she got along so very well with my Granddaughters, Meera and Hanna. The three of them played like sisters"

"From my own experience, playing like sisters is not necessarily a good thing" El laughed, "certainly for me anyway, playing with my sisters me at a great deal of hair pulling and pinching, or at least whilst my mother was not looking" El smiled reminiscing.

"Tea?" The woman asked.

"Yes please" El smiled and took the small mug into her hands, "you know of your granddaughters ever wanted to come and stay in Winterfell, they would be most welcome, It would probably do Lyara a great deal of good to play with some girls her own age." El stoked her daughters curls gently.

"Oh Milady, I could never.."

"I insist" Elonar smiled, and drained her tea. "Now, I thank you once again for your extreme and very gracious hospitality but I must be getting home. But do send your granddaughters over in the morning and they can play with Lyara, they can even attend lessons with her, I will have men ascot then home in the evening?"

"Lady Elonar, thank you, so very very much" the old woman pulled El into a tight bony embrace.

"No thank you." El said in such an insisting tone that it silenced the old woman. Once outside in the yard, Lyara sprinted over to two rather pretty little girls, who El assumed to be Meera and Hanna. The three girls hugged each other so tightly, all El could see was a messy of golden brown curls in a sea of red. Lyara reluctantly broke away from the two girls, and El had to assure her many times, the whole way home that her daughter would see her new found friends again very soon.

El rode with Lyara in front of her, and Axel rode with Rickard with him. The were falling into a deep snowy twilight when they returned to Winterfell, there was only a little more snow there. Axel bend down and made a face at Rickard and ruffled his hair roughly.

"Mummy it's colder than I remember" Lyara said sticking her tongue out and catching snowflakes on her tiny pink tongue.

"That's because it's Winter sweetling" she said smiling.

Once upstairs, she opened the door to their chamber and Rixkard jumped from her arms and ran inside to greet his father. Garlan was not alone however, by the fire sat Sansa, and her eyes lit up seeing Lyara and Rickard. Garlan picked up his son and held him close, then he took Lyara into his arms and held them both.

"Sansa, these are my children, Lyara and Rickard" El smiled a little, "children this is your aunt Sansa, my sister" El nodded for Sansa to go say hello. Lyara hugged her aunt graciously, but Rickard was so shy that he retreated but behind El as quick as he'd greeted Sansa.

"They're sweet" Sansa said, after Garlan had taken the children into their room, just off the chamber. " I had never imagined that you'd get married before me, especially not children before me" she smiled.

"Well things have changed, hasn't they?" El smiled.

"What are you going to do about the Boltons, we can't Simply just left them treat us like this.." Sansa said abruptly, very anxiously.

"Oh, my dear sweet sister, be patient, will you? We bide our time, and the we shall avenge mother and Robb, I swear it" she said taking her sisters hands in hers and smiling wickedly.

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