Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter Twenty-one:

Elonar Stark

The next morning, Elonar met with Axel, Garlan and Alysane Mormont in her solar while the cool winter air drifted in on them, El rose from her chair and paced angrily. "do I even have a choice in all this?" She was furious, he dare Garlan make decisions for her, how dare he! Especially something like this, seven hells, gods, what will I do? If I ally with Stannis, my vows to the Tyrells will be throw aside, however if I refuse Stannis right here, he'd kill us all, he's got twice the man power we do and if he is truly the rightful ruler of the seven kingdoms who am I do refuse him my aid. Outside, snow fell gently onto the top of her hair and stuck to the stones of the balcony, she glared at Axel, Garlan and Alysane Mormont stood, just inside the warmth of her living chamber. "If I refuse Stannis Baratheon's conditions, he will kill us all." She stood still and glared harder toward Garlan "if I consent, Tommen Baratheon and the Lannisters will come and kill us, I cannot win" she sighed.

"He is the true king of the seven kingdoms" Alysane spoke, her voice as cool and calm as a spring stream.

Elonar considered this "how?" She questioned "Tommen is King Roberts only living son, his true heir. Not his younger brother Stannis"

"Tommen is not Roberts blood" Garlan said. "He is the child born of incest, between Queen Cersei and the kingslayer Jaime Lannister, or so Stannis claims."

"So he claims" laughed Elonar

"El believe me, people have always suspected it. There were rumours in the capital this just gives us proof" Garlan said

"Why else would he be raising an army, and making such a large claim" Axel added

"A jealous younger brother, it's happened before" Alysane Mormont pointed out abruptly.

"But why would the Lannisters go to war with him if it wasn't true?" Axel Umber said.

El touched her stomach gently and looked to the three faces that awaited her decision "I consent" she grumbled softly. "Allying with Stannis will bring us more trouble, but he he is the rightful king them, we shall support his claim fully and give him all he needs to win back the crown."

Her company took her answer in "I will go down and tell his grace the great news of your decision, Mi'Lady" Axel said, bowing and turning to leave.

"And your Mi'Lady, will make the preparations for the feast you shall we having tonight, in the kings honour." Alysane said, following Axel down the stairs, leaving Garlan and El alone with her handmaids who'd silently snuck into the chamber.

"Leave us" El said kindly to her handmaidens. "You," she pointed at Garlan, sinking down into the love seat in the corner "are a bastard" she sipped wine and a smile, just curled across her lips "how dare you make decisions, like that for me! I am your queen!"

Garlan stood over her and smiled "not anymore" she scowled back at him, narrowing her grey wolf like eyes "and your are my wife" he knelt in front of her and placed one hand on her knee and the other on her stomach. she smiled wide pulling up her skirts so he could feel the smooth skin of her thighs beneath her wool gown. "What else could I have done, El?" He asked looking straight into her. The she wolf shrugged and smiled a little. "What else could I have done? He had just rescued me from the Boltons, I couldn't have refused him then"

"Well I guess.." She was paused by His lips colliding with hers sharply, she held his face and traced the stubble of his jaw line, ran her fingers through his hair and pressed herself against him. In El's eyes, Garlan could do nothing wrong. El didn't know a lot about war and keeping the peace, nor about commanding men,she couldn't tell when people don't her the truth or lied, her innocence blinded her, along with her hard, cold, stark honour, but she did know something, something that now even her honour could kill, the way only duty and honour can kill peoples love. The one thing she knew was, he was hers and she was his. That was all she knew, she knew that's she would die to save him, If it ever came to that, and she knew he would do the same to her. Their love was simple, pure and in a way perfect. And she loved him with all her heart, and she knew that he felt the same, "I love You Garlan" she said as he kissed her neck gently.

"And I you, my sweet" placing his lips so close to her ear she could hear his short quick breaths as if they were her own "you will always be my queen, no matter who sits atop the iron throne" he sighed and kissed her lips softly "and I cannot wait to meet our child" he rubs her stomach so gently she barely felt him. "I'm sure I will love, him or her, as much as I love their mother" he kissed her forehead and the pair lay on the floor, linked by their intwined fingers.

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