Chapter sixty eight

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Chapter sixty eight

Both Garlan and Axel had been out hunting the morning El began labouring the child. The moment the returned from the hunt one of El's handmaidens told them that the child was coming,but she wanted neither of them to see her while she was giving birth. However both men ignored the girls words and pushed past her running up the stairs to El's bed chamber. The closer they got to the top of the tower, the louder El's screams became. There were two guards outside her door, one of them Alysane Mormont. She just smiled seeing them both panting after running up serval hundred steps. "And why can't I in?" Garlan asked, "that's my wife in there"

Alysane shrugged, "El didn't say, she just said that no one was aloud in until she said so, especially you two." Alysane smiled.

"Well if I can't see her, you go and tell her that I'm out here and I'll be waiting all night if I have to." Garlan demanded folding his arms sternly, until Alysane finally turned around and knocked on the door, where she had to wait until Grayce opened the door only a tiny bit just as El screamed louder.

"He wants you to tell Lady Stark that he will wait all night for her" Alysane said bluntly as she nodded to Garlan and Axel.

"Mi'lady, your husband wishes you to know that.." Grayce began.

"For gods sake, Grayce I told you to keep them out.," she snarled and she gonna to cry out in pain again. It killed Garlan hearing her scream like that,meh quite honestly wanted to simply push Alysane out of the way so he could get to her. But he couldn't help her, he couldn't stop her pain.

Axel simply sat down by the wall adjacent to the door, "what are you doing?" Garlan asked.

"We're waiting aren't we?" Axel asked cocking an eyebrow. Garlan smiled a little and joined Axel on the stone floor.

Garlan didn't quite know what to say to Axel.. It was a truly strange situation that they were sitting through. Even after everything that had happened with, Axel and Garlan had been close for many years now. "El said.." Garlan cleared his throat, "that after the child is born she wanted to help you learn to fight with your left.. But since I have a little more experience than El has with a sword, I thought I might-"

"Help a bit?" Axel finished, Garlan just nodded and stared at the ground. "I'd like that, I've been meaning to start fighting again, but I've had no one really to train with me."

"I'd like that too, like we used to" Garlan smiled finally looking at Axel.

"I'm going to marry Sansa" Axel said after a time. Garlan only raised his eyebrows, "I mean I've got to marry someone.."

"I think you should wait and marry a girl you truly love, not just marrying Sansa because you feel you have to. El would want you to be happiest."

"Marrying Sansa would make me happy." Axel said looking at his feet.



The night Orla Stark was born was cold and still had the twinge of Winters gales in the night air. Elonar had also wanted to be alone during her birth, she didn't want either Garlan or Axel to see the child before she did. Orla's was the most difficult of her births, she was El's fifth born but only the third that lived. She had a pretty face and her tiny head was completely bald. El was desperate to see her, to see whether she had a golden tinge in her eyes that only Garlan could have given her, or whether her eyes were noticeably blue like Axel's.

When the Rausa handed her to El, she saw no immediate signs that the child belonged to either Axel or Garlan which actually scared her more, the not knowing. But how could she have expected anything different? She was a new born, and realistically they all look near enough identical.

The Queen in the North: Game of thrones fanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora