Chapter Ten: Elonar

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Chapter 10:


They rode fiercely for the Last Hearth at a gallop, snow lashed at Elonar Starks face she was furious, she would kill Brandon Tallhart, personally. Axel Umber had offered earlier that morning whether El wanted Axel to perform the deed, but they are nothing a Elonar Stark wanted more was to watch the life drain out of Brandon Tallhart, then place his head on a spike and display his head at the gates to Winterfell. She had trusted him and he had betrayed her after he had sworn his sword and himself to Elonar and her cause. And he had betrayed her and ran to Roose Bolton. But, was he ever really on my side? Elonar wondered, she bit down on her lip hard do hold back tears.

She had nothing but Wintefell, nothing. And even Winterfell wasn't hers, Winterfell was Sansa's by law, but Sansa was assumed dead or killed along with everyone else. It was just Elonar left, the had to rule the north, for centuries her family had ruled the north, but not one of the Starks before Elonar had been a woman. Growing up, Elonar had wished she was born a boy, then she would have been allowed to run and plays word with her brothers, but as she grow older, she learned she would get no where in life, as her tomboy self, so she grow into the strong and fierce young women she now was, but she was a Stark, and Starks are brave, and so was Elonar.

A raven awaited Lady Stark at the Last Hearth, once in her chambers and alone with Axel and her handmaidens, Axel came her the letter. The yellow crimped paper, was sealed with a rose sigul, house tyrell, Elonar thought, carefully use opened the paper, she had to read the letter twice through that make sure comprehended what the letter read.

"Lady Elonar" Rausa spoke " what news?" Her voice was soft and full of caution.

"The tyrells wish to make An arrangement with us" she said handing the letter to Axel for him to examine. "The letter is from Olenna Tyrell, she wishes to bind our houses together, by me, wed to her Grandson, Garlan Tyrell."

"Forgive me, Mi'Lady but last I Heard, the Tyrells were in alliance with the Lannisters" Grayce Flower said, originally the young maid was from the South, she was the daughter of serving wenches child from just east of Highgarden.

"That is also what I have heard" Elonar said. Marrying into the tyrells would give her safety, they were a very large house, Mace Tyrell was the Warden of the south, as Elonar was Warden of the north. But, if she married Garlan,by law, Winterfell would be his. Did Elonar want that? No, she wanted the north. But she also wanted safety,and marrying Garlan Tyrell meant safety. "I will accept their kind offer" Elonar said abruptly "but after the Wedding I will return North" marriage vows to the Tyrell lord meant safety and an ally, and allies were something Elonar had none of. "But before we ride for Highgarden, we kill Brandon Tallhart."

"Excellent, Mi'Lady" Axel Umber said, then he rushed away to make the necessary arrangements for the journey.

A fortnight later, They arrived at the gates of Winterfell, they galloped into the yard, weapons raised expecting a fight, but all there was in the yard was the men going about their business, saddling houses, eating, talking, training. At the centre of it all was Brandon Tallhart, he was leaning against a column speaking to a man that Elonar did not know, however the sigul he wore, Elonar knew all to well; the flayed man, of house Bolton. The man was old enough to be Brandon's father. Anger swelled up inside her, you killed my family, she thought.

From house Umber, they had brought 100 men, all who had sworn their swords and life to Elonar, the morning they left the last Halve. Outside Elonar's men outnumbered Brandon's but El knew that there were more men, but how many would side with Brandon after seeing El?

"Mi'Lady" Brandon said bowing mockingly, a great evil smirk painted his face. He looked to the Bolton man and they both laughed.

"Kill them all" ordered Elonar Stark, and all one hundred men unsheathed their swords along with twenty or so from the yard, Brandon also draw his.

"Queen in the north!" Axel Umber shouted then charged his horse forward onto Brandon. Brandon cut the silver mare down in one swift slash of his long sword. Elonar walked calmly through the thicket of the fighting and seized Brandon from behind. He was much taller than her and certainly a lot stronger. But El had him tight in her grip, he struggled and tried to free himself, soon men helped Elonar and took Ser Brandon fro her.

"Your grace" a large, greying man with brown eyes said "should we kill him?"

"No" Elonar said coldly "I will kill him, lock him up"

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