Chapter Two: Elonar

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Chapter Two:

<< Elonar >>

After three more days of riding, El was starving, dirty and exhausted. Her Direwolf, whined at her horses heels, "Sephy, I know I'm hungry too, I promise we'll find some food soon" El whispered. Her black horse rode silently through the forest at a gentle slope upward. Soon enough El found herself at the top of the hill, looking down into the steep valley below she saw smoking piping out of a chimney and the faint sound of men's drunken laughter. It was risky but El would do anything for food and a bed to sleep in right now. Inside her cloak was a small back leather coin purse with a grey direwolfes head stitched into the soft wore leather. The purse was light with only a few coins left in it, but enough to get by for another couple of weeks until she reaches home in Winterfell.

El rode silently down into the valley and stop by the gates of the tavern. She dismounted from her horse and tied him to the wooden stoke. She his her face in her hood and kept Sephy by her side as she entered the grungy ale stinking tavern. When she pulled open the door, no head even turned at the sight of her, she strode up to the bar, "some meat, water and a room for me if I may" El spoke, trying to roughen her normally soft Northern accent, she had learned to hide in recent days.

"We've got one room free, take a seat little lady and I'll bring your food over in a minute" the bar man said, his voice was breathy and rough as his old rags that he wore. She sat down at a free seat in the corner of the tavern, she slowly removed her hood. The bar man disappeared through the door into the kitchen. At once the 20 odd men that were calmly sitting, drinking, chatting, were suddenly surrounding Elonar Starks table.

"Good day, gentlemen" El said with a slight smile. One man, she saw the banner on his breastplate, the grey twin towers on blue water, house Frey. shit. She thought, fear swelled up inside El like a storm. They killed Robb and Mother. They killed them. They killed them, she clenched her right hand around the hilt of her sword and her face burnt crimson red. The men stared at her as if assessing her every detail, the length of her long dark eyelashes, the tight dark curls which framed her pale porcelain skin,and the cold, harsh, Stark determinate in her grey eyes.

The men grew ever closer, yet not one drew his sword. One man, of about thirty with red blotches on his face spoke up, "I know you" he uttered "your.."

He was cut off by someone else a much younger man of only about fifteen said "She is Elonar Stark, Robb's sister, Ned's daughter and, Queen in the north." As he came closer the crowd of men parted to let him through, "Your grace." He said and kneeled. As he kneeled all the rest of the men kneeled before Elonar.

"Who are you?" El stuttered her left hand shaking, could these be Robb's men? Or some viscous trick? El thought most likely the latter, knowing what Lord Boltona md Lord Frey had done to Robb and her mother Catelyn.

"We are, the true North men, the last of your brothers men, I am Lord Brandon, of the house Tallhart, sworn to House Stark and forever loyal, to whomever The Lord or Lady of Winterfell may be." Lord Tallhart said, was a handsome young man, with thick copper coloured hair and striking bright blue eyes. He was tall too, even when he kneeled her was nearly as tall as El was.

"Why are you wearing Lord Frey and Lord Boltons banners then, if you are in fact loyal to the, True, north." El paused "because if this is some sick minded evil trick, Lord Tallhart, spare me and kill me now if you so wish me dead, kill me yourself,a t least allow yourself that honour. I would be in a happier place if you did."

All at once every man pulled off the banners that had either, the Flayed man of House Bolton or the banner with the twin towers of Frey, replacing them with Direwolfes, trees of House Tallhart and surprisingly the giant of House Umber.

"We do not wish to kill you, your grace, gods Forbid, we are on Your side.." Another young man from House Umber said.

El rose as bravely as she could, "my side, is the side of the north, getting our lands back, Lord Bolton isn't Warden of the North, I am, and if he wants it, he better be ready to fight for it, the north is ours." She said, confidence and adrenalin rushed through her like wildfire. Burning her veins and filling her with hope.

"Elonar Stark, Queen in the North." Was chanted around and around the tavern. And El was right in the middle of all of it. She was Elonar stark, Queen in the North.

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