Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter thirty-eight

Garlan Tyrell

She was so pretty asleep, he almost forgotten how beautiful she actually was. Each and every day he was a prisoner, Garlan thought of her, and how he was going to get back to her. He'd tried to escape twice, both attempts had resulted in flogging and no food for several days. He lay on his back, staring at the beds canopy, it was early morning, by the light. He had his arm around her and she stirred in her sleep and rolled into him, draping her arm across his body.

It felt strange going to Highgarden with El. Garlan was honestly quite content to leave highgarden, he'd never liked it much anyway. The flowers, balls and his family bored him, when he was younger he always used to ride for miles into the wilderness, just to go on adventures. Even tournaments bored him, hitting other men with sticks gave him no pleasure. And he was baffled as to why they were all his brothers could think of. The most exciting thing Garlan Tyrell had done before he met El was going to the Battle of the Blackwater, a few years previous, and even there he hadn't seen much actually fighting.

Garlan was so buried in his thoughts he barely noticed Axel peering through the tent "mi'lord" he said quietly.

"Axel!" Garlan whispered, as loud as he dared. "What brings you into my bed chamber at such an early hour?"

"It's seven Garlan, and we were going to ride the last stretch the highgarden today, so I thought, we getting up earlier.. But evidently not." He smiled seeing El asleep.

Garlan nodded, there was a sort silence, when both men look at each other and made no attempt at conversation. "She told me everything.." Garlan said, smirking.

"Everything?" Axel tired not to blush, but his cheeks still turned slightly pink.

Garlan just smiled "I'm curious Axel, how did you do it? How did you get my wife into bed?"

Axel poured himself a drink "I'd like to take credit for what happened, but that would not be the truth. She started it off and things got a little out of hand, but the whole time she was distracted, like her mind was somewhere else, like she was thinking of someone else." Axel tried to cover his pain by smiling. But he loved her, he alway had. When Garlan "died" Axel thought he finally had a chance, but El wasn't yet over Garlan, as hard as Axel tried, he could never be Garlan.

"It's okay" Garlan said, I'll get her up, then we'll talk while we ride" Axel exited silently and Garlan turned to El and kissed her forehead, "good morning my love" he said into her cheek.

"Sshhh" she moaned "go back to sleep" she rolled over the side.

"The men are waiting El, we have to get up" he said,wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing his lips to her neck. She lay still "well, I'm gong to get up without you then" He said, and as he was getting out of bed, she pulled him back, and he almost fell on top of her, she wrapping her legs around him, and pressed her lips to his gently, the kiss deepened and Garlan pulled away. He felt his hand of for her to take and he pulled her up.

After breakfast, they joined Axel and Rausa, who had the children. "Mumma, can I ride today? Please, please,please" Lyara begged.

"No my love" El replied.

"I'll take her" Garlan said, winking at Lyara. Garlan lifted his daughter up and placed her gently on the larger of the horses.

"Not that one" El said shaking her head.

"Now, Lyara your going to have to hold her very tight" Garlan said.

"Very, very tight" Lyara said gripping the reins.

Garlan climbed up behind her "see you won't fall, I won't let you" Garlan said loud enough that El would hear, he turned around to see her shaking her head.

"Daddy, I want to ride by myself" Lyara said after a little while. Garlan dismounted and then took the horses bridle and he walked with her. Sometime after that she was getting bored band she finally said "i want to go back to mumma"

"Of course my love" Garlan took her to El's carriage, to find El wasn't there.

"She's riding with Axel, I believe my lord" Grayce said. Garlan left Lyara in the carriage with Grayce and the boys. He mounted her horse again then galloped towards the front of the procession. He saw them riding close together, laughing, not far in front of the group. Jealousy grew in the pit of his stomach, El was his. Not Axel's, and what had happened between El and Axel was over, and it was only a one time thing.

El and Axel stopped seeing Garlan approaching, and their conversation stopped also. Garlan felt as though he was intruding on something he shouldn't have been. "Where's Lyara?" El asked as they started riding again.

"She's with Grayce and the boys" Garlan answered.

"Don't you want to teach Rickard how to ride too?" Elonar asked a little sarcastically.

Garlan didn't answer, he didn't know exactly how to. He was mad with her, the way she was treating him sometimes, it had never been like this before. Ever. She'd changed, and maybe he hadn't. "I'm sorry" he said, "she loved it, until she got bored"

They galloped onwards onto the next hill, Garlan recognised this hill, and he knew what lay over the other side. "The last time we were here, we were under very different circumstances" El said a little coldly, seeing Highgarden down in the next valley.

"Not so different." Axel said turning to El.

"How so?" Garlan asked.

"We are still completely at the mercy of the Tyrell's, and they think us fools, El" Axel said.

"Very true" El said "I went to war with them because they underestimated me once, they ended the war because they knew we were winning, and now they call us back to try to strike a bargain with us, with only their best interest in mind."

" so don't you trust them?" Axel asked

"Not entirely, I never have." El said.

"I think they are trustworthy, we just need to recognise them for what they are." Garlan said.

"Of course you'd say that" El said, colder still.

Garlan took a deep breath in, and once again didn't know how to respond. He wanted her back, but things had changed. Sometimes she embraced him, and others she froze him out.

They rode in silence down the valley, "do your family know your alive? Again.." Axel asked.

Garlan shrugged "not unless you've told them."

"It will be a shock for them, then I'd imagine." Axel smiled.

They dismounted at the gates, and Garlan pulled El aside "my love, I-" he begun.

"We'll talk about it later" she said, avoiding his eyes. The children were brought to El,and they walked in behind El, followed by Axel and Garlan.

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