Chapter Four: Elonar

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Chapter Four:

<< Elonar >>

The crisp winter morning air bite Elonar Starks face as she rode at the wind, She kicked her horse and the mare galloped towards the now ruined a Castle of Winterfell. The journey north had Been mostly uneventful, it had taken Elonar Stark's party just over three weeks to get from the neck back up to Winterfell. Along the way they had gained 20 more men, more of Robb's troops that has fled the Red Wedding. When Elonar and he men reached the city gate, two men stood guard at the outer gate. "Halt!" The shorter of the two men said "who may you be?" He asked directing his question at Brandon Tallhart, who rode to the right of Lady Stark.

"It is not me you wish to speak with good sir" Brandon said "this lady right here is.."

Elonar cut him off "I am Elonar Stark, Lady of Winterfell, Queen In the north." The two guards men were taken aback by Elonar's introduction.

"Mi'Lady." The taller said stuttering slightly his voice soft and yet husky "I am sorry Mi'Lady, pardon me Mi'Lady" he said

"And who might I be speaking too.." Elonar inquired pulling the hood of the dark cloak revealing her dark curls.

"Ryen Snow, Mi'Lady" he spluttered

"Well, Ryen Snow, would you care to let me into my city?" Elonar asked, her voice as sweet as the scent of spring blossoms

"Of course mi'Lady" Ryen said, at once he and his taller companion opened the gates and then Elonar was home. Elonar's memories of Winterfell, were beautiful, snow topped round towers, a maze of a city for her to run and play freely in, the city alive with the buzz of people going about their day to day business. Blacksmiths in their shops, the markets alert with the stall sellers and costumes all haggling for the prime goods. Then in the yard, her brothers would be practicing with Swords and bows. Inside the castle was always warm, the natural hit water always ran through the veins of the castle like, blood runs through a human body. Such happy and comforting memories El held in her heart of her home, all, now, smashed in the ruins that lay before her eyes..

Elonar's once home lay before her decrepit, wounded men surrounded the main courtyard, many were busy at work, builders, carpenters, smiths, all working together all being over looked by a young man sitting in the throne from the great hall, up on the main balcony, the same balcony of which her Father, Lord Eddard Stark had once addressed his men each morning. The man was no more than 5 years Elonar's senior, with thick dark hair that was neatly braided down to his shoulders. He was a large man, broad shoulders, and blue eyes, when he stood, and Eloanar dismounted she was sure he would tower over her, like the castle turrets that encircled them.

For a moment, neither parties spoke. The large man in throne stared at Lady Elonar, he recognised her, but Elonar did not know him from dirt. "My Lady," he spoke, his voice as smooth as silk.

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