Chapter fifty four

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Chapter 54

There was silence for a while, "that was rash of me" El said, she turned back to everyone, so the fire light illuminated a sort of halo around her silhouette. "We can't realistically attack tonight. That's exactly what they are expecting us to do, so we can't do it."

"We don't have to, you know, waiting might actually be a better idea" Garlan said softly.

"But El, we need to strike now.. While they won't expect us" Axel said, who's blood was already boiled for a fight. He was naturally the most eager, the North was there's for the taking, and the Bolton traitors were so close and they would deserve everything they would get.

Garlan laughed in response to Axels comment, "of course they are going to be expecting us, I think waiting is a much better idea. The more I think about it the better it gets."

Axel rolled his eyes, completely shaking off Garlans judgement, "El it's up to you, what ever you want, I will do" Garlan sighed almost too heavily, so that he caught Axel's cold glare.

"I'm going to have to agree with Garlan, attacking them tonight will not make us look good, or give the people the right impression." El began.

"The right impression that we let traitors live in our castles, eat from our tables. Let this scum try to rule our lands, to what Milady, to kill them all in two weeks after you've become friendly with them." The Greatjon interjected.

"Yes that's exactly what she's suggesting" Garlan said over the Greatjon, "waiting them out Is perfect, we wait and then we get the revenge you all are so set on."

The Greatjon began some other longwinded comments trying to persuade the whole of Winterfell why they should attack tonight. Elonar only had to clear her throat slightly to arouse the attention of the room, "in this time we have spent bickering amongst ourselves, the whole of Winterfell with have heard our plans, and now we have wasted the opportunity that we once might have had. So what I suggest we all do is go to sleep, with our swords close, and in the morning we reconvene and work out an actual plan of getting this swine out of my castle" she said, and the all recognised that this was their queue to leave.

"Milady.." Axel said, turning around to her.

"Hmm" she answered as she got up from her chair by the fire.

"I will guard you personally tonight" He said.

Elonar heart sank, God he couldn't be serious, as if the whole situation wasn't worse enough, "no Axel, you've done to much for me today, go get some rest. I beg you" she smiled.

"At least let me summon you more guards, to keep you safe" if was as if Garlan wasn't standing behind her, like this was years ago, when Elonar first returned to Winterfell, and when she needed every sort of protection anyone had to offer.

"Thank you" she smiled "good night" her voice shook although she tried to stop it, Garlans fingertips brushed to back of her neck just lightly enough to make her feel guilt that Axel had seen.

"Thank god he's gone" Garlan whispered, "when will he learn that you're mine" he said more harshly, biting down on her neck.

"Garlan he's only trying to help me. He only doing his job" she defended him, and shook Garlan off her shoulders. She let her hair down and poured herself a glass of wine, she snipped it cautiously "has anyone tested this?"

"I would assume not." Garlan shrugged, walking over to the window.

"I guess I'm not that thirsty then" and she carefully placed the goblet down on the table. She sighed, and fatigue after their long day of riding, and all the drama that had happened here in Wimterfell was setting in on her. She began to unlace her own dress, rather subtly so Garlan wouldn't see, and then want to help, because she knew where that would end, and honestly her head was spinning, and she was simply exhausted.

Just like she knew he would, Garlan's gentle fingers pulled at the lacing of her dress. "Thank you" she said pulling the heavy fabric off her shoulders, and she kept her small clothes on and walked past him into bed. Garlan lay down next to her, and began to play with her hair, twirling the curls between his thumb and forefinger, tugging just enough to gain her attention. He propped himself up onto his elbow and watched her, "what are you doing?" She asked, opening her eyes to see his face so close to hers.

"Watching you" he smiled. "I'm sorry about what I said a moment ago, about Axel."

"It's okay, I didn't take it too personally, he was only trying to help me. It's his job Garlan, to protect me."

"And my love, it's also mine" he said, sliding his hand into her hair. "I am jealous, when I see him look at you. I see the way your hands shake, and I see the way you look at him back, and El that kills me"

She held his face, and pressed her forehead to his, "I made my decision Garlan, I chose you, remember. When will you remember that?" She kissed him, her fingers grabbing his hair, pulling him into her. Garlans lips trailed down her cheek and neck. His arm looped around her, and He pulled her by the small of her back.

"El your mine, don't you ever forgot" he hissed, reaching into her night shirt and pressing his hand to her breast, then his lips. "I want you El" he whined, running his hand down her figure."I want you so much I can barely breathe." He said moving so his lips were right next to hers.

"Shhh" she said pressing her lips to his, then breaking away and letting hers close slowly around his. "I love you" she whispered, "but tomorrow my love, I'm so tired, I'm fighting just to keep my eyes open"

"Then keep them shut, just relax my love" he said sitting up. His fingers carefully unlaced the front of her night gown and he slipped her arms out of it.

"What are you doing?" She asked, still keeping her eyes closed.

He got off the bed and pulled his own shirt and trousers off, he then care led up beside her and his fingers drew tiny circles all over her skin, then he placed delicate kissed down her stomach, he stopped suddenly "have you bled?" He asked, his eyes wide.She only moaned in response. "No, El seriously, have you bled this month?" He asked again, suddenly his pulse rose, his mind racing to a million conclusions.

Her eyes opened, she knew the answer to that question, but she also knew what he was thinking. "No.." She answered.

"And last month, did you bleed then?" He asked.

"No.." She repeated, "how did we get so close to falling asleep to you thinking I'm carrying his baby, in less than a minute?" She asked.

He looked shocked, "I never said that"

"But that's exactly what you were thinking?" She asked, "Garlan if it's anyone's, it's more likely to be yours"

"But El you can't be sure" he said and lay back down, and sighed.

"Your angry with me?" She asked, not looking at him.

"No, I'm just.. I don't know.." He said, turning to her "come here" he open his arm out and she moved into him, pressing her face into his chest, and holding him tight with her arm. "I love you" he kissed the top of her head.

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