Chapter Forty Eight

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It's 2am and I just write all this WTAF 😂 anyway enjoy

Chapter 48

It had been just over two weeks since Axel had left to find Evangeline. Her son had died, about a week ago. She had been planning to put her poor child out of his misery if he hadn't have gone that day. Theirs sons death had hit Garlan harder than Elonar, she'd known it was coming, and it was just another trauma that she knew she'd have to work through, somehow.

When they lost their first son, that had hit El a lot harder than sweet little Garlan's death, 'needed name a child after his living father, it's just wrong, the gods don't like it, they feel as though we mock them in someway.' El remembered her mothers words so vividly, even when she'd said then so long ago.

El lay awake one night, her dreams were clouded with visions of Lyara and Rickard dying,she was holding back tears but she dared not wake Garlan, because if he cried again, she knew she'd never stop. Instead she nuzzled herself against his warmth a me forced his arm to open up around her. She wrapped her Arms around him and held him close. "El" his voice rough and husky.

"Mmmh" she murmured

"What's wrong?" He asked, stroking her hair gently.

"I couldn't sleep, don't worry I'm fine now." El whispered "I didn't mean to wake you"

"Don't worry, my love." He soothed "Why couldn't you sleep?"

"I had a nightmare, but I'm okay now"

He tilted her chin up to look him in the eye "sure?" He asked, holding her cheeks.

"Sure" she answered. "I'm going to go sleep with Lyara and rickard, I don't want to keep you up any longer.

"No, I'll bring them in here" Garlan soon returned with Lyara and Rickard, both with sleep in their eyes. El held her arms out to her children and she brought them both close to her chest. "Can you sleep a little better now?" He said reaching out for her hand in the darkness.

"Yes" she answered simply.


"Where is she?" El hissed, leaping up from the dining table, her curls, swished across her face in dark waves. "Axel let me see her" El followed Axel and three of her guards followed hastily behind her. They made their way through several passages and down narrow dim corridors before, he opened the door to a small dingy, candle lit room, that stunk of must.

Evangeline sat with her skinny legs crossed on the stone floor, her hands bound behind her back, green eyes glared up at Axel in obvious disgust. "Mi'Lady Elonar" she smirked, her words dripping in sarcasm. Two of El's personal guard lifted her to her feet, she was at least three inches shorter than El but still had a presence that possessed such power El could almost feel it radiating in the air.

"Explain yourself." Elonar said sternly, behind her teeth. Her grey eyes narrowing at Evangeline.

"You didn't bring Garlan, I'm surprised" she smirked, Axel nudged her roughly "you see that, he touched me, if anyone knew about how I was being treated, they'd.."

"They'd?" El questioned "oh you think they'd care? They'd care about a handmaid who fucked my husband, then tried to kill my children after I found out, who I am now serving justice on"

"So where is Garlan?" Evangeline pressed, pursing her full lips together.

"Tell Lady Elonar what you told me." Axel said sternly.

"And what was that exactly?" She smiled again.

" I don't have all day" El sighed "I could just kill you now, however tempting that is, I am moderately curious about what is so pressing you need to tell me."

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