Chapter Twenty: Elonar Stark

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Chapter twenty:

Elonar Stark

It had been just been two moons, without any word from Garlan or the greatjon. Each morning El woke,the more worried she became. She sat at the head of the great hall, she wore a blue gown with a grey fur topped cloak and her dark curls lay lazily down to her waist. It was mid morning and she was holding court, El always held court the way her father always did, listening and giving aid to all that came to their hearth. Just as her father did, El listened patiently to each person who came her feet, from smallfolk to little lords.

Her eyes grew weary, the night previous she had, no sleep. As hard as she tried she could not fall into the great arms of sleep. Instead, she lay awake, dreaming if Garlanan and missing him terribly. When sleep finally found her, she found herself immersed into a deep and horrid nightmare, in which, she woke, clammy with cold sweat and Garlan's horse had returned from the dreadfort and rode into the gates of Winterfell, in three feet deep snow coved the yard, but not him. He lay dead across the saddle, with fresh blood still oozing from various Stab wounds. Behind him came, greywind, padding silently beside another horse, topped with Robb's severed head sown roughly onto the direwolves neck. The next came two bodies on,a single horse, El screamed seeing once brothers dead body,laying rotting upon the horse. Finally a woman, with silvering auburn hair, and piercing blue eyes rode closer, as El caught sight of her, she saw that the woman's throat was cut so deep, you could see the bone, but no blood came. Then they left the gates of winterfell, Garlan, Robb and the woman with silvering auburn hair, they rode south and El followed, the woman turned to face El and pointed north, stood her head then rode south following Garlan's horse. As the woman rode away, El immediately knew her "Mother" El gasped recognising the woman, but it was to late, Catelyn was gone, and it was then that she had woken from the nightmare.

The nights dream, haunted her still. What did it mean? She has many similar dreams to this, in the time after she'd seen their bodies on the walls of the Twins, the same time she met Brandon, her skin crawled, just thinking of him, the little bastard who'd betrayed her, after she placed all her trust in him hands. She pondered the past nights dream while Axel sent the next man in, he was a small man, with black greying hair, he wore the black bear of House Mormont "Mi'Lady" he bowed before her.

"What business do you have with the lady?" Axel questioned, looking upon the small man.

"Mi'Lady," he began "I was sent her by my lady Maege of house Mormont, she sends word from the dreadfort, our houses men went Your husbands aid, after he was taken prisoner by the Boltons, and now Garlan and the greatjon hold the Dreadfort, also, His grace, king Stannis Baratheon, is also at the Dreadfort, and he and his forty thousand strong army ride for Winterfell along with your men, we expect they will be upon us within days" the man with the greying hair said.

"Stannis Baratheon?" El questioned.

"Yes, Mi'Lady" he said.

"How soon, will they be here?" Elonar asked.

"A week at the most Mi'Lady" he said.

"Make preparations then, we will be needing food and space for 40,000 men within a Week" Elonar said then rose, and left the great hall with Axel trailing behind her. "Seven hells!" The lady of the North cursed "Last time a king came to Wintefell, all the hells broke loose. King Roberts stay, tore my family in pieces. Gods, what will this bring?" She laughed a little and leaned against the grey stone wall.

The next week pasted too quickly and El was unprepared when Garlan strolled into her bed chamber early one morning. "Morning, Mi'Lady" he said entered her bed chamber, El jumped in fright seeing him.

"Garlan!" She screamed, it had been two and a half moons since they'd send each other, she ran to him, and pulled him close and their lips met and did not part for quite some time. His hands gently smoothed over her swelling stomach, he smiled wide feeling their child kick inside her.

"I'm sorry we were gone so long" he said lifting her and placing her gently on the bed and kneeling in front of her. "The Boltons, it would seem, didn't want to give us the freedom of their castle." He laughed leaning down to stroke her thighs. "They went so far as to take me prisoner,if It hasn't have been for Stannis Baratheon, I would still be their prisoner." He then kissed her thighs. she held his head in her hands and kisses all over his face and neck. "The King is waiting downstairs, so we'll have to be quick" he laughed climbing up.

"What? He can't be here already!" She said pushing Garlan off her and began to dress, "you could have told me Garlan" he moved so fast, she hardly saw him move, and he was hugging her waist and kissing her neck.

"I wanted, our reunion to be special and not in the presents of the King" Garlan whispered and El smiled.

"I will warn you El, allying with Stannis is treason and betraying the crown, I have sent word to my family explaining our situation" Garlan said "however not allying with Stannis is very dangerous, he's stubborn and he wants you on his side, not the Lannisters and rumours have said, he offered Winterfell to your half brother Jon on the wall, but he refused that's why he's here."

Once downstairs, El entered the great hall, to find the king in her chair, he was a big man, who strongly resembled his brother Robert, "your grace" El said bowing down to her king.

"I hear they call you the Queen in the North" he said, his voice was harsh and chilling like a winter gale.

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